Saturday, October 22, 2011

Protosal: Rank Hath It’s Privilege Box Set

After some discussion with Amnistar, several bugs were found in the original version of this. Under the original wording, it could be interpreted as meaning that a deferential vote would count twice, once following the Faction Leader, and once following the Emperor, if one were to arise. Also, it does not adress what happens if the Faction Leader votes deferential, and how votes of people that leave factions after voting works. Due to typos, I currently have two proposals pending - feel free to officially propose it.

If the proposal “This time it is a Proposal” has failed, this proposal does nothing.
Create a new sub-rule of Leaders “Rank Hath Its Privilege” with the text:

The Leader of a Faction may VETO the proposals of their Faction’s members.
If a player votes DEFERENTIAL, their vote will count the same as the vote of the Leader of the Faction they belong to when the matter is resolved.
If a Leader of a Faction votes DEFERENTIAL, their vote will count the same as the Critic’s Vote. If the game has no standing Critic, their vote will count as an explicit Vote of abstention
The Leader of a Faction may not achieve Victory.

If the term “Critic’s” in the ruleset is replaced by another term before this CfJ passes, use that term in place of “Critic’s” where it appears in the altered ruletext.

An edited and debugged version of the hottest new craze on BlogNomic. Feel free to officially propose it - due to typos, I have two pending proposals.


Amnistar: he/him

22-10-2011 00:20:37 UTC

Doesn’t handle what happens if people change Factions after voting which would play havoc with vote counting.


22-10-2011 00:23:37 UTC


Amnistar: he/him

22-10-2011 00:24:12 UTC

it’s not a proposal coppro, it’s a place to discuss it as a proposal.


22-10-2011 00:28:37 UTC

@Amnistar “their vote will count the same as the vote of the Leader of the Faction they belong to when the matter is resolved”


22-10-2011 01:17:51 UTC

Presumably should be “...where it appears in the newly-added ruletext.”

“Its” not “It’s” in the title.

Period/full stop after “abstention.”

Replace “Critic” not “Critic’s”, per IRC.

Doesn’t specify what happens if the Faction Leader doesn’t vote and the Critic exists.

“If a player votes” should read “If a non-Leader Player votes”