Friday, December 02, 2005


It’s the End of Days now.  It doesn’t matter that we’re still in hiatus because of CfJ’s, either Chronos or Excalabur can declare victory (I don’t think I can, legally, because I was the last person to change my own Prophecy).  Remember, you can always pass the mantle if you don’t want to be Archon.


Hix: Idle

02-12-2005 22:54:47 UTC

Argh, there are already “enacted” CfJ’s stuck above this post.

Cayvie: Idle

02-12-2005 22:55:39 UTC

Go go gadget admin powers

smith: Idle

02-12-2005 23:46:52 UTC

The order of posts is all messed up—is someone trying to make the CfJs float above all other posts?

Cayvie: Idle

02-12-2005 23:58:13 UTC

Someone stickied all the pending cfj’s.  I unstickied the ones that you had dealt with, but left the pending one.

smith: Idle

03-12-2005 00:22:06 UTC

Ah, I didn’t know about the sticky option - noted.

smith: Idle

03-12-2005 00:29:48 UTC

Sure, pass the mantle and Pick me! Pick me!

The Lone Amigo: Idle

03-12-2005 02:51:03 UTC

No, pick me!

Excalabur: Idle

03-12-2005 07:26:04 UTC

Er.  Aren’t we still in the age of innocence?