Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Proposal: Pulling Rank

Reaches quorum and passes at 7-0. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 13 Mar 2013 00:42:29 UTC

If the Proposal titled “A Fleeting Interest” failed, this Proposal does nothing.

Append to the rule entitled “Fleets” the following:

A Commander may not change their Ship Class through the method set out in the rule entitled “Spaceships”.

If there is a rule entitled “Polymorphic Drive, delete it.

Add a sub-rule to “Modules”, entitled “Polymorphic Drive”:

* Size: 0
* Assembly Instructions: This Module has a Cost of Assemblage of 3 Gold and 2 Tritanium.
* Effect: Remove the Polymorphic Drive from the ship to change your Ship Class to any valid value, retaining your other Modules and Resources. Your Specs are set to the default values for the new Ship Class.

Change the Ship Class of every Commander to Shuttle.

Shuttle Commanders shouldn’t be able to be promoted that easily. I changed the cost of a Polymorphic Drive to something that will fit in a shuttle’s cargo bay.


RaichuKFM: she/herIdle

12-03-2013 16:02:57 UTC

for Although iffy on the changed cost.

Larrytheturtle: Idle

12-03-2013 16:13:02 UTC


Spitemaster: Idle

12-03-2013 17:43:45 UTC


MurphEngineer: Idle

12-03-2013 17:48:54 UTC


kikar: Idle

13-03-2013 05:02:21 UTC


quirck: he/himIdle

13-03-2013 06:27:20 UTC
