Proposal: Pun Involving Ironic and Ionic
Reaches quorum and passes 4-0. -RaichuKFM
Adminned at 11 Apr 2014 16:52:13 UTC
Add to the rule “Fission”
An Atom with 1 Proton always has a Nuclear Instability of zero.
Add a new rule “Ionic Bonding”
If two Ions are incapable of undergoing Ionization with each other and have opposite Charges, either one may Form an Ionic Bond between them. An Atom’s Ionic Bonds will be kept track of in a column of the GNDT. When a new Ionic Bond is Formed, both Atoms involved will have the name of the other Atom added to their Ionic Bonds GNDT column. An Ionic Bond always exists between two different Atoms and is two directional; if one Atom is Ionically Bonded to another, the other is Ionically Bonded to it as well. If for any reason, the Charge on either Atom changes such that the Charges of the two Ionically Bonded Atoms either are not opposite or are zero, the Ionic Bond immediately Breaks and the names of both Atoms are removed from each of their Ionic Bond GNDT columns. This is the only way an Ionic Bond can Break.
So I realized that if you have 1 proton, 0 neutrons, and 2 (or more) electrons, if you Decay, you dont lose any protons or neutrons, but you lose electrons. 1. this doesnt make sense thematically, and 2. it would create an illegal Reagent with only electrons.
pizzashark: Idle
I think it might be better to allow for ionic bonds between more than two atoms, but maybe this would be better.