Proposal: Punt Kick
Timed out 0 votes to 2 with an unresolved DEF. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 21 May 2024 09:08:01 UTC
In the rule “Distribution”, remove every sentence and bullet point that contains the term “punt”.
Having seen this run for a while and time out some conversations that would have gone somewhere, with some players agreeing to whatever was on the table because they didn’t want to be blamed for causing a punt, I think it may be worth going back to requiring the group to reach an actual agreement for each Haul.
JonathanDark: he/him
Yeah, the ideal rule would be able to distinguish an intractable discussion from an ongoing one, but that takes some thought that’s probably discussion dependent. I’d say that, as a neutral party, the City should be able to Punt if Kevan judges that a Haul is just not going to be resolved otherwise.