Proposal: Putting down roots
Self-killed. Josh
Adminned at 11 Mar 2010 23:55:32 UTC
If the Proposal titled “All England was divided into 39 parts…” failed, this Proposal does nothing.
Add another item to the list of workshops:
* Stronghold
Even the most demented of despots needs a place to call home.
Effects: A Commoner with a Stronghold may not change their County, regardless of what parts they have attached to their stronghold. However, they may charge a tax against any Commoner who occupies the same County as they do. As a weekly action, the Stronghold-owning Commoner may subtract up to 5 non-Coal Resource from each Commoner in the same County as them. If one of these Commoners does not have enough Resource to pay the tax, the Stronghold owner may “rough them up” - subtracting as much non-Coal Resource as they can and ejecting the delinquent Commoner into an adjoining County.
Requirements: The workshop must have Inventions with Armor, Hydraulics, a Governing Armature and a Thermal Borehole attached to it.
Add the following to the subrules of rule 2.2, entitled Thermal Borehole:
Cost: 10 Iron, 5 Cogs Power Requirement: 10
A Commoner with an invention containing this part attached to their workshop may consider the Power Requirement for all inventions that they build to be 10 less, to a minimum of zero.
I love the stronghold idea, but the Thermal Borehole seems way too powerful compared to its invention costs.