Saturday, June 24, 2023

Proposal: Quantum Entanglement

enacted 4-0

Adminned at 25 Jun 2023 20:19:51 UTC

Add the following as a subrule of “Tier 4: Protoplasmic Quantum Soup” called “Quantum Entanglement”:

As an Existential Action called Entangling, a Mindjacker may spend 1 Matterium and make a comment containing the phrase “Quantum Entangling” on another Mindjacker’s Mindjacking that has not yet been Manifested or Entangled. A Mindjacking that has had an Entangling comment posted on it is called an Entangled Mindjacking.

If an Entangled Mindjacking is Manifested and marked with a FOR symbol by the Ascendant, the Mindjacker who posted the Entangling comment earns 3 Matterium.

If an Entangled Mindjacking is Manifested and marked with an AGAINST symbol by the Ascendant, the Mindjacker who posted the Entangling comment has their Suspicion reduced by 1, and the Mindjacker who posted the Entangled Mindjacking has their Suspicion increased by 1.

another method of acquiring Matterium, to be used when you predict that someone else’s Mindjacking is correct. if you’re right, you get back more Matterium; if you’re wrong, you transfer some Suspicion to them (so that the action isn’t completely pointless on a failure). since there’s more info-gathering tools in the higher tiers, i suspect we’ll see an increasing number of mindjackings taken only when you’re 100% sure you’re correct. this action makes that more risky, gives tier 4 some more actions (which imo it needs), and rewards players for gathering information on avatars that they themselves can’t mindjack.


Raven1207: he/they

25-06-2023 03:28:09 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

25-06-2023 16:10:33 UTC


Josh: he/they

25-06-2023 20:00:37 UTC
