Question on “The Harvest”
The first line of “THe Harvest” says
“If no Vegetable has done so that day or within the previous 6 hours…”
Hix recently reverted two Harvests claiming Harvest has already happened today. Both times it happened after the six hours.
The way I read the statement was “(If no V has done so that day)F or (within the previous 6 hours)T” and thus the two harvests should have happened.
Hix apparently read the “or” as an “and”, thus saying the harvest shouldn’t have happened.
I do not know for sure how CoJ’s work yet to know how to fix this. Can someone else post a CoJ to try and clear the rule up?
I see how you evaluated “No V has done so that day” as false, but how do you get “within the previous 6 hours” to evaluate as true? “within the previous 6 hours” isn’t even a complete thought. You must have evaluated “no V has done so within the previous 6 hours”.
But the line doesn’t read “If no Vegetable has done so that day, or no Vegetable has done so within the previous 6 hours”
I guess what I’m saying is “that day or within the previous 6 hours” should be viewed as a unit. Yes, a Vegetable has done the harvest “that day or within the previous 6 hours”, so it is not the case that no vegetable has done so “that day or within the previous 6 hours”. As the author of the original harvest proposal, I can tell you that this was definitely my intent. (I definitely didn’t mean for 2 harvests in a row to be able to occur in quick succession, just because they technically occurred on different days (which would be allowed under your interpretation))
I think we should just interpret it the way I intended (i.e. once per day, but no more than once per 6 hours) for now. Actually, some of us were talking in the IRC channel about how once per day might not be frequent enough. I’ll propose to change the troublesome line in the Ruleset to a simpler “If no Vegetable has done so within the last X hours”. If that passes, there won’t be any more ambiguity.