Proposal: Queuing up Rooms
Withdrawn. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 19 Dec 2022 15:50:01 UTC
If the Proposal “Rumours of Rooms” is not enacted, this Proposal has no effect
In the subrule “Mansion Phase”, after the bullet “Edit the state to Mansion Phase in Banewood Mansion”, add this bullet:
For every named Room in the rules, if no Room exists with that name, the Narrator must add the Room to a Room Queue which is privately tracked by the Narrator, if the Room is not already in the Room Queue. When adding a Room to the Room Queue, the Narrator privately rolls a DICE6 and tracks the result as an integer named Room Priority with the Room in the Room Queue, re-rolling if the result ties with any existing Room Priorities in the Room Queue.
In the Rule “Rooms”, replace the paragraph starting with:
When a Room is added
with the following paragraph:
When a Room is added, the Narrator first subtracts 1 from all of the Room Priorities in the Room Queue. If a Room Priority is 0 after this subtraction, the Narrator must use that Room name and remove it from the Room Queue. Regardless of how the name is chosen, the Narrator may set the values of any of the Room’s qualities as part of adding the Room.
This changes the “Rumor of Rooms” a little, because in that Proposal, there’s a fairly high chance that the Room may still never appear if the dice roll is particularly unlucky. With this Proposal, the Room is inevitable, it’s just a matter of when.
Darknight: he/him