Friday, November 04, 2022

Call for Judgment: Quorum Quandry [Core] [Special Case] [Appendix]

Fails 2-2, not Popular after 48 hours. -Bucky

Adminned at 06 Nov 2022 02:33:48 UTC

Whereas “Idle admins can resolve Votable Matters as if they were not idle” results in the Votable Matters thus resolved having a player count one higher than other Votable Matters, and
Whereas that can result in a different Quorum for those Votable Matters, and
Whereas neither I nor, apparently, any other idle admin has been taking this into account, and
Whereas some of those Votable Matters may have been resolved illegally or wrongly as a result, and
Whereas the platonic gamestate may have drastically diverged from what we think it is as a result, and
Whereas the prospect of a retroactive uphold being abused is negligible because someone else could have resolved it instead,

Uphold the resolution of each Votable Matter resolved by an idle Admin which was illegal or incorrect but which would have been legal and correct had any non-idle Admin resolved it the same way instead.

I noticed while thinking about Raven’s accident that Idle admins resolving votable matters doesn’t quite work the way I thought it did.

I’ll propose a proper fix when I can propose.


Josh: Mastermind he/they

04-11-2022 07:38:03 UTC

I don’t follow the logic here. How does an idle admin resolving a votable matter affect its quorum?


04-11-2022 07:47:58 UTC

Because they’re treated as a non-idle player for the purpose of resolving it, which includes the purpose of determining whether it’s Popular and what Quorum should be during that determination.

Josh: Mastermind he/they

04-11-2022 08:38:51 UTC

Hmm, maybe. It’d have to be a very motivated reading, though, which the core rules tend to resist.

Why doesn’t this fix the issue, then, instead of just waving it away?

I’m reluctant to vote for this CfJ, which would a) establish the precedent that the issue is real, which it really barely is in the absence of a vote acknowledging it as such, and then b) not fix it, leaving it as a bigger ongoing problem than it is under the status quo.


04-11-2022 16:41:17 UTC

Because I still have old-player instincts to keep CfJs minimal.

Josh: Mastermind he/they

04-11-2022 16:54:32 UTC

I am an older player even than you and those aren’t my instincts - if a CfJ is ostensibly to fix a problem then it should fix the problem.

Not that I’m completely sold that there is a problem here;  against on that uncertainty and the lack of actual resolution.

Kevan: he/him

04-11-2022 17:27:57 UTC

It seems okay to me for a CfJ to quickly and neutrally plug a perceived leak, with a follow-up proposal being made for a permanent fix. Players will have more freedom to discuss and reject and iterate that fix at their leisure, rather than being under pressure to accept the first draft posted.

We should consider expanding the “Idle admins can…” clause to also list the other things that admins can implicitly already do while idle. We may even decide, looking at that, that it’s actually better to say that idle admins can’t do these things.

Josh: Mastermind he/they

04-11-2022 18:12:33 UTC

@Kevan I don’t disagree with you but this *doesn’t* neutrally plug the leak; effectively all it does it ratify that the leak exists, and, given low engagement and activity at present, I’m worried that that’s where it will stay.


04-11-2022 18:21:17 UTC

If you have strong thoughts about how to improve on this CfJ, write a better one.

Josh: Mastermind he/they

04-11-2022 18:27:11 UTC

My strong thought on this CfJ is “it doesn’t matter” and by not writing one, I have written a better one.

Kevan: he/him

04-11-2022 19:02:06 UTC

[Josh] Isn’t this an “if the problem exists, fix it” peace of mind CfJ, where nothing happens if the problem isn’t actually there? Or am I not reading enough into all those whereases?

Darknight: he/him

05-11-2022 01:05:34 UTC


Kevan: he/him

05-11-2022 09:49:54 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

05-11-2022 13:50:33 UTC

~~I mean a possible solution would be making me admin~~ jk don’t please lol