Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Story Post: Race 2

Okay, the second race is now starting. But what are all these slugs doing here? At this rate, there’ll soon be more people on the racetrack than in the audience!

Also, we’ve heard rumours that the local squirrel poulation is trying out a new snail-based diet. Please be wary of any, especially during lunch time. Hopefully JonathanDark and Habanero will defend us from predators with their… magnets?

Anyway, I’m going to sleep now. Wake me once someone crosses the starting line.



04-12-2024 17:56:18 UTC

I Discard my Magnet


04-12-2024 17:59:38 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

04-12-2024 18:00:25 UTC

I Discard my Magnet


04-12-2024 18:02:06 UTC

I Discard my Magnet

JonathanDark: he/him

04-12-2024 18:05:06 UTC

I Discard my Magnet


04-12-2024 18:21:37 UTC

I Crawl


04-12-2024 18:23:28 UTC

I Crawl


04-12-2024 18:25:12 UTC

I Crawl

JonathanDark: he/him

04-12-2024 18:30:38 UTC

I Crawl

JonathanDark: he/him

04-12-2024 18:31:54 UTC

I Leapsnail


04-12-2024 18:34:16 UTC

You’ll have to roll for that one to see if you target yourself per the changes.

JonathanDark: he/him

04-12-2024 18:35:36 UTC

You’re right. I just did, and got lucky randomly selecting you.


04-12-2024 18:38:55 UTC

Well done! I think I’ll wait for a little while


04-12-2024 18:48:32 UTC

Actually, I don’t want to hold everyone else up from playing, that would be a shame. I Slipstream


04-12-2024 18:48:58 UTC

I Crawl

JonathanDark: he/him

04-12-2024 18:52:48 UTC

Nice. Also don’t forget that you can combine multiple Moves in one Comment. I forgot that myself, to be honest.

I Slipstream.

I Crawl.


04-12-2024 18:52:49 UTC

Identity Crisis Ian has found himself to be Danger Daryl (this is a terrible idea for me, but it is funny)

JonathanDark: he/him

04-12-2024 18:53:10 UTC

I Crawl again

JonathanDark: he/him

04-12-2024 18:55:03 UTC

@Habanero, you hit the same position as Slingshot Sam, you gotta do his thing

JonathanDark: he/him

04-12-2024 18:57:21 UTC

Meanwhile, I passed what is now Danger Daryl so…

I Spot Danger.


04-12-2024 18:57:27 UTC

Oh whoops
Here goes…

JonathanDark: he/him

04-12-2024 18:58:37 UTC

Look out!!! Haters

JonathanDark: he/him

04-12-2024 18:59:06 UTC

Danger Level is only 1, and only Haters range includes 1, so it’s fine for this Race.


04-12-2024 19:00:34 UTC

Curse you Slingshot Sam! If only you had rolled a 20 on the danger and gotten hit by a car just as I was slingshotted out of range, that would have been amazing

JonathanDark: he/him

04-12-2024 19:01:00 UTC

Oof, Habanero is slung backwards by Slingshot Sam!

JonathanDark: he/him

04-12-2024 19:01:52 UTC

I crawl

I crawl

I crawl


04-12-2024 19:05:14 UTC

I could danger, but that would be suicidal. Oh well, I elect not to and instead I Leapsnail


04-12-2024 19:08:48 UTC

Oh btw I think Broom Barry got in your way there, may want to redo those Crawls

JonathanDark: he/him

04-12-2024 19:11:25 UTC

Yeah, fixed that. Question: ” If after a Move a Snail’s Position is changed to be within 8cm of Broom Barry” does Broom Barry’s movement after Sweeping count? I need to know if Danger Daryl needs to be “swept”.

JonathanDark: he/him

04-12-2024 19:12:12 UTC

I interpreted the capital-M “Move” as a Snail making one of the listed Move actions, but *shrug*


04-12-2024 19:13:29 UTC

I think the Move being with a capital M means that when Broom Barry moves, he is not actually Moving and does not sweep


04-12-2024 19:14:38 UTC

I Leapsnail again

JonathanDark: he/him

04-12-2024 19:14:56 UTC

Ok, sounds good. Well, if you Move within range of Broom Barry, he should sweep you and Danger Daryl at this point.


04-12-2024 19:19:28 UTC

I Leapsnail, and then I Crawl (hoping to Leapsnail to you before Crawling)


04-12-2024 19:24:06 UTC

I Leapsnail and then Crawl


04-12-2024 19:26:09 UTC

I have finally managed to Leap properly, but I think it’s a foregone conclusion by now

JonathanDark: he/him

04-12-2024 19:31:32 UTC


I Crawl

I Crawl

I Crawl

JonathanDark: he/him

04-12-2024 19:32:50 UTC

I Crawl

I Crawl

JonathanDark: he/him

04-12-2024 19:33:54 UTC

I passed the Finish Line


04-12-2024 19:36:09 UTC

Well, I’ll be waiting until a day after Race start to use the extended Leap targeting in that case (comes down to a 50/50 lol)


04-12-2024 19:38:05 UTC

Good game! I actually find the mechanics surprisingly interesting after this test run. Could use a bit more agency but it ended up surprisingly balanced with some concept of turns arising completely organically

JonathanDark: he/him

04-12-2024 19:41:06 UTC

Nice loophole in the Leapsnail 24-hour rule.


05-12-2024 18:32:46 UTC

I Leapsnail (though it looks like Dead Too Soon will pass, so this is most likely pointless. Also Josh would argue that the Race can’t actually end even when I cross the finish line)

JonathanDark: he/him

05-12-2024 18:40:38 UTC

Sad that this Race won’t result in any concrete gains, but I suppose we learned a few things along the way.

Josh: he/they

06-12-2024 09:40:05 UTC

Okay so.

To recap: I assert that this passage in Position:

A Snail in the Bucket or on the Bench does not count as a Snail for the purposes of dynastic rules other than this one (except where those rules refer specifically to Snails who are in the Bucket or on the Bench)

means that any rule which does refer specifically to a Bench or Bucket Snail applies to those Snails in totality.

Those rules are Races and Slugs.

As it doesn’t include Moving I cannot Move directly. However, it does mean that all Slugs, even the ones in the Bucket, can be moved by me, provided other criteria are met. Bucket Slugs have a position of Bucket, so they are not demonstrably behind the Slug of Death for the purposes of its criteria.

So I see no reason why I can’t invoke the movement rule of The Iron Slug.

When a Snail’s Position exactly matches that of the Iron Slug and has done so for at least 24 hours, then that Snail may reverse its polarity by making a comment in the Ongoing Race saying they are doing so and setting its Position to DICE100.

We have had the same Position for 24 hours (were are both in the Bucket).

Also NB that I am interpreting the “its"es in that block of text to refer to myself, rather than the Iron Slug. I can’t see that the subject of the sentence is grammatically defined.

So: I’m reversing my polarity. On the track at 39 baby!

Friendly Fiona comes with.

Josh: he/they

06-12-2024 09:45:56 UTC

Broom Barry and Slingshot Sam both activate in the follow-on chaos.

Josh: he/they

06-12-2024 09:47:21 UTC

I slipstream Habanero’s leapsnail.

Josh: he/they

06-12-2024 09:50:52 UTC

Sorry, reverting that; the most recent move was by me rather than Habanero, so I can’t slipstream.

JonathanDark: he/him

06-12-2024 14:27:49 UTC

You are asserting that this is still an Ongoing Race, else you would not have been able to use the Iron Slug by “making a comment in the Ongoing Race”. If that is the case, then anyone can still make the Slug of Death move per its rules.

The Slug of Death Crawls

Josh: he/they

06-12-2024 14:57:17 UTC

Perfect, thank you. I slipstream the Slug of Death once (to 25), then slipstream Friendly Fiona ten times (to 105).

JonathanDark: he/him

06-12-2024 15:17:20 UTC

You’re forgetting about Broom Barry, who pushes back any Snail (no non-Slug qualifier, so that includes Slugs): “If after a Move a Snail’s Position is changed to be within 8cm of Broom Barry, he sweeps, pushing all Snails in his range away from him until they are 8cm away.”

JonathanDark: he/him

06-12-2024 15:20:23 UTC

My calculations show that upon reaching 33cm, Fiona and you would be pushed back to 32cm, at which point the last “move’ would be -1. Slipstream would no longer be in your favor.

JonathanDark: he/him

06-12-2024 15:21:40 UTC

Or even if you didn’t count Broom Barry’s push as a “move”, Slipstream won’t get you past Broom Barry.

Josh: he/they

06-12-2024 15:41:11 UTC

You’re forgetting that after sweeping Broom Barry himself moves back 5 - so it’s a sequencing problem, whether Barry moves first or Fiona does, which - as the person carrying out the action - I’ll chose to resolve in my own favour.

I think the net effect of that would be that I’m actually on 107, and Barry is back 10.

JonathanDark: he/him

06-12-2024 15:56:01 UTC

Hm, but if you’re counting the Slug of Death’s “move” in your Slipstream, shouldn’t you also count Barry’s “move” as well? That makes the next Slipstream after Barry’s Sweep use Barry’s -5 change in Position.

JonathanDark: he/him

06-12-2024 15:59:10 UTC

I guess it’s a question of whether “Movement Rules” for a Slug count as a capital-M Move or a lower-case-m move.

JonathanDark: he/him

06-12-2024 16:05:19 UTC

I bring it up because quite frankly we’ve been a little loose with counting Moves in gamestate for Slugs. For example, Friendly Fiona has 11 Moves, but if the only thing that counts for Moves is literally the actions listed in the Moving rule, then she has never made any of those Moves.

That also means that you couldn’t Slipstream Fiona, because she never made any of those listed Moves, so your Slipstream only covers the one time with the Slug of Death’s Crawl (which is a listed Move), and then the next listed Move was your own.

You can’t have it both ways.

JonathanDark: he/him

06-12-2024 16:07:42 UTC

I’ll take one comment back: Fiona’s rules do say ” her number of Moves is the same as that Snail’s Moves”. However, they do not say that she actually makes those Moves, but simply “her Position changes by the same amount”, which itself is not making a listed Move.

Josh: he/they

06-12-2024 16:22:13 UTC

For the sake of consistency, I have been interpreting any Slug’s Movement Rules as a Move (as they are described as ‘a set of rules for how that Slug can move’ and, by convention, BlogNomic usually doesn’t treat capitalisation as meaningful, so move = Move) and the impact of any Slug’s Extra Effects as not-moves, especially Broom Barry’s as his Effect doesn’t use the Move keyword.

The issue we have is that the sequencing of Slug moves and effects is completely undefined and therefore at the discretion of the performer. None of this is atomic - not player moves, not slug moves, not the cause and effect of slug moves that are triggered by slug effects - so it can all be interpreted very charitably or very uncharitably.

But there’s another issue at work here, which is Slingshot Sam, who should also have been swept. Can we agree the following as a baseline:

Death Moves +8 -> 13
Josh Slipstreams Death +8 -> 25
Fiona Movement +8 -> 25
Josh Slipstreams Fiona +8 -> 33
Fiona Movement +8 -> 33
Barry Effect (Sweep) Josh -1 -> 32
Barry Effect (Sweep) Fiona -1 -> 32
Barry Effect (Sweep) Sam -5 -> 32
Barry Move -5 -> 35

and take it from there? That leaves us with the last ‘move’ for slipstream purposes being -5 but Slingshot Sam’s effect to be rolled.

JonathanDark: he/him

06-12-2024 17:05:02 UTC

Agreed, and this helps expose some additional flaws in the rules which need work. Thanks for working this out with me.

Josh: he/they

06-12-2024 17:23:42 UTC

No problem.

Sam pops me forward so I shall now pause to contemplate my options.

JonathanDark: he/him

07-12-2024 21:03:02 UTC

The Slug of Death Crawls

Josh: he/they

08-12-2024 10:57:40 UTC

I crawl

I crawl

I crawl

I crawl

I crawl

I crawl

Josh: he/they

08-12-2024 10:58:55 UTC

I crawl

I crawl

Josh: he/they

08-12-2024 10:59:43 UTC

I crawl

I crawl

Josh: he/they

08-12-2024 11:00:35 UTC

I crawl