The race is ready to start as soon as we check that all participants are here; there are huge piles of rockets blocking the view so it’s a bit hard to tell. A couple of snails were sent to find out whether everyone’s ready but I think they might have got lost somewhere in this rocket labyrinth…
Monday, December 30, 2024
Story Post: Race 4 (57 comments) The race is ready to start as soon as we check that all participants are here; t
Josh: he/they
Sorry, those above should be Discards.
I Discard Item: Reverse Rocket
I Discard Item: Magic Mirror
Josh: he/they
I Spot Danger. Look Out!!! Squirrel! Ais gets chomped.
I Crawl.
Josh: he/they
I Spot Danger. Look Out!!! Squirrel! JD gets chomped.
I crawl.
Josh: he/they
Ah, apologies; I noticed that the Prey description includes “If that Gastropod is not a Slug, it has at least 1 Play”. That means that I was the only valid prey so the first Squirrel ate me instead. Quelle domage! Will revert to that point.
Josh: he/they
Oh, hang on, I have two reverse rockets… So my race-end gamestate is correct but no-one got eaten at all. Hurrah, a Christmas miracle
ais523: Custodian
@Josh: “Unless they are the only Racing Snail, a Snail may not Play if the number of Plays they have made in the Ongoing Race is at least three greater than every other Snail’s.” – I think that restriction stops you after 3 Plays? There are other Racing Snails, and none of them have any Plays. (Identity Crisis Ian is a Slug, rather than a Snail.)
Josh: he/they
Pff, so many admin errors.
I also didn’t set my waking hour, so I’m going to revert all of it as having been carried out illegally. Seems like the only way to fix the mess. Sorry everyone!
JonathanDark: he/him
@GetPunnedOn: yes you can. Take a look at the rules for Position.
JonathanDark: he/him
Also be aware of the rules in Sleep and Plays, so you don’t make the same mistakes Josh did.
ais523: Custodian
@GetPunnedOn: to perform an action that changes publicly tracked information, you need to edit the wiki tracker (in this case, The Snail Track, which is linked in the sidebar – click the title) to change that information.
JonathanDark: he/him
@GetPunnedOn: 8 pm-9 pm may not be valid Waking Hour values. Generally you want to use 0-24, where the time is in UTC. Take a look at the text just above the “Pending Proposals” on the right-hand sidebar (or scroll down if you’re on your phone). You’ll see the current time in UTC.
Whatever 8 pm is in your time zone, check that time in UTC, then put that in for your Waking Hour. It’s assumed that if you put in a specific hour, it covers from that hour to the minute just before the next one, so “8” is 8:00 to 8:59, for example. Again, make sure you use the UTC hour, not your own time zone hour.
JonathanDark: he/him
@GetPunnedOn: You still don’t have it quite right. Waking Hour needs to be just one, two, or three numbers. Here’s some examples:
Each of those represents the whole hour, for example “4,11,20” is “from 4:00 to 4:59, from 11:00-11:59, and from 20:00 to 20:59”, but you don’t actually write out the “from” and “to”, just the numbers themselves.
ais523: Custodian
I Discard Reverse Rocket.
I Discard Reverse Rocket.
I Discard Magic Mirror.
Josh: he/they
ais’s correction to the number of plays means that I needed to Spot Danger one more time before my last move in that sequence.
Look Out!!! Haters!
The order of events is a bit squiffy but the outcome is the same.
ais523: Custodian
Ah right – “if your Plays have increased by N since the Race was created”, and being increased by CFJ is still an increase.
This is possibly one of the most unintuitive and hardest-to-process rulesets that I’ve ever played under at BlogNomic, and yet it isn’t really obvious why that is – perhaps it’s just a case of too many variables affecting / being affected by any given action.
Josh: he/they
Yeah it’s a *lot*. The ruleset is maybe not structured very intuitively either.
JonathanDark: he/him
Nice collab between you two. Planning to roll off for the Mantle?
Note to ais that favour-trading between dynasties has been banned recently.
ais523: Custodian
I noticed the ban, but it doesn’t affect me because I refused to favour-trade between dynasties anyway.
ais523: Custodian
Looks like my recent attempt to have the Slug of Death crawl failed due to being half an hour too early.
JonathanDark: he/him
I Spot Danger. Look Out!!!
The Iron Slug becomes Zombified.
JonathanDark: he/him
(Stomp Rocket gives 3 Rocket Fuel for each of the above. Josh already did this twice, ais did this once, and I did this once, so that’s 4x3=12 Rocket Fuel per Stomp Rocket. I have 8 Stomp Rockets, giving me 96 Rocket Fuel.)
I Discard a Stomp Rocket
(Due to the ambiguity of the version of the rules linked by Official Rules, I maintain that this does not increase my Plays by 97. I made 1 Play according to the rules for Snails making Plays, regardless of whatever Effects occurred because of that 1 Play. In cases where an Effect is meant to count as a Play, it is called out explicitly, such as the Effects for Reverse Rocket. CfJ if you’d like to debate it.)
ais523: Custodian
The Stomp Rockets don’t give you 3 fuel each – it’s the status of having a Stomp Rocket that gives you 3 fuel. (This is clearer in the current ruleset, but even the official ruleset says “Items may also have Passive effects, which apply to all Snails who have that Item in their Items.” – this doesn’t multiply them if you have that Item in your Items multiple times.)
Note that if your interpretation of this is correct, it contradicts Josh’s actions earlier; with four Flashy Shell Wraps, Josh would have to Spot Danger four times (rather than once) every time he made two Plays, so Danger would have been Spotted 9 times before you performed your actions rather than 3 times. As such, you would probably have been eaten already.
JonathanDark: he/him
I disagree with your example. Flashy Shell Wrap takes all of that into account with the way it is worded:
W is the number of instances of this Item that you have. Add W to your Fame when you finish an Ongoing Race if you have not already done so for that Race. When there is an Ongoing Race, if your Plays have increased by N since the Race was created or since the last time you performed Spot Danger, you must Spot Danger before making another Play, where N is the maximum of (6 - W) and 1)
It recognizes that you may have W of Flashy Shell Wrap, but only requires you to Spot Danger with a very specific formula that includes counting the number of Flashy Shell Wrap you have in that formula.
Anyway, I await the CfJ. I feel like I have enough leeway in the Official Rules version to make this work. I’m really not trying to be stubborn. A number of the Items feel like they could passively activate per Item with the way they are worded, so clarity is helpful either way.
ais523: Custodian
The point is that if the passive effects trigger once per item, the effects like “add W” trigger multiple times, so 4 Flashy Shell Wraps gives you 16 Fame and four Spot Danger actions. If they trigger once per type of item, it works fine.
ais523: Custodian
(Also, I already amended the effects of your action to what I think the gamestate is – you can CFJ to change that, or amend the tracker yourself, but you will need to get everyone’s gamestate correct and not just your own, and your interpretation breaks most of the actions that have happened in the Race so far. I made a post to discuss the situation – perhaps we could move there rather than cluttering up the race thread?)
JonathanDark: he/him
Minor setback, so:
I Crawl
I Crawl
I Crawl
I Crawl
I Crawl
Josh: he/they
Look Out!!! Car!
JonathanDark and Identity Crisis Ian get pancaked.
Josh: he/they
Correction: JonathanDark spends a Reverse Rocket but stays Healthy.
Look Out!!! Squirrel!
Stella gets Eaten.
Look Out!!! Snail-zombifying Fungus!
JonathanDark again avoids Zombification by discarding a Reverse Rocket.
Look Out!!! Hawk!
GetPunnedOn gets snatched by a Hawk.
I Slipstream JonathanDark (-20cm)
I Slipstream and nothing happens since the most recent Play wasn’t from a Snail other than me
I Slipstream and nothing happens
I Slipstream and nothing happens
I Slipstream and nothing happens
I Slipstream and nothing happens
I Slipstream and nothing happens
I Slipstream and nothing happens
I Slipstream and nothing happens
I Discard my Magic Mirror (+40cm)
Josh: he/they
I Use Item: Reverse Rocket
I Use Item: Reverse Rocket
I Spot Danger