Monday, January 13, 2025

Call for Judgment: Race Reset

This CfJ makes no changes and as such can be failed.

Adminned at 14 Jan 2025 16:15:46 UTC

If a Declaration of Victory was enacted while this CFJ was pending, do not perform any changes. Otherwise:

Fail all pending Declarations of Victory.

In “Races”, change

If there is an Ongoing Race but no more than one Racing Snail, any Snail or the Jury may perform the Award Ceremony.


If there is an Ongoing Race whose Preparations atomic action is complete, but no more than one Racing Snail, any Snail or the Jury may perform the Award Ceremony.

Change the dynastic gamestate to match the state of The Snail Track tracking page as of 14:00 UTC on Monday 13 January 2025. All Race posts created since then, and all Official Posts defined in the “Award Ceremony” rule created since then, are considered to no longer be Official Posts and should be marked as illegal (but left in the same category). All Atomic Actions are considered to no longer be ongoing, discharging any requirement to complete or revert them. All earlier Race posts are considered to no longer be ongoing.

If the DoV fails, we will need a way to clear up the resulting half-performed atomic actions. This also fixes the loophole that made the scam possible.


Josh: he/they

13-01-2025 16:17:57 UTC

It might at this stage be worth including an uphold that Races 1 through 4 were concluded legally and are not ongoinging, and that the tracked gamestate accurately reflects the impact of the resolution of those Races.

ais523: Custodian

13-01-2025 16:26:02 UTC

Good suggestions – I’ve implemented them by changing the gamestate to match the tracker, rather than matching the previous gamestate (this should have the same effect as upholding and is easier to word unambiguously).

Josh: he/they

13-01-2025 21:19:34 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

13-01-2025 22:33:57 UTC



13-01-2025 23:29:41 UTC

Holding off on my FOR so as to not fail the DoV before it’s been at least a day (though I don’t know if it matters, everyone has seen it by now)

Josh: he/they

14-01-2025 06:52:21 UTC

@Habanero I think if you are not planning to change your vote then holding off on this doesn’t matter.


14-01-2025 14:11:59 UTC

Well, as it turns out it did end up mattering, with Desertfrog changing their mind :P


14-01-2025 14:34:17 UTC

against, as the DoV looks to be in a passing position now

JonathanDark: he/him

14-01-2025 16:02:02 UTC

If a Declaration of Victory was enacted while this CFJ was pending, do not perform any changes.

This part has triggered.