Proposal: Raise the Sails and Batten the Hatches!
Timed out 4 votes to 5. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 14 Aug 2016 16:45:54 UTC
Create a new rule named “Combat” with the following text:
When a Hunter Fights another ship (be that an NPC ship or another Hunters Ship), they perform the following steps:
1: Make a comment in the GNDT of “Combat” and two rolls of DICE10.
2: Add their ship’s Cannon to the first roll.
3: Add the Cannon of the ship they are fighting to the second roll.
4: If the first roll is now higher than the second, they Win the Fight; if not, they Lose.The effect of Winning or Losing a Fight is specified in the rule causing the Fight.
Unless the majority of EVCs on this Proposal contain the phrase “No PVP”, create a subrule of “Combat” called “PVP” with the following text.
As a Daily Action, but no more than 3 times per week, a Hunter (known as the Robbing Hunter) may attempt to rob another Hunter (known as the Victim) with the same Location. To do so, the Robbing Hunter Fights the Victim’s ship. If the Robbing Hunter Wins the Fight, they transfer 2 Pieces from the Victim to themselves.
Set sail after thine rivals and plunder their booty!
I considered submitting something like this myself but figured a multiplier would be too complicated. The ADDITION of the canon value makes this much more intuitive.
We may need to clarify “week” as meaning either “the last 7 days”, “Su-Sa”, or some other time span.