Thursday, March 18, 2021

Proposal: Raising The Stakes

Fewer than a quorum not voting against, failed 2 votes to 6 by Kevan.

Adminned at 20 Mar 2021 09:41:27 UTC

In “The game” after “the Dealer may start a Game between any two Players” add “(these players are known as the games Participants)”

Add a new subrule to “The Game” called “Wagers”

Each Player has a non-negative integer amount of Contanti, which by default is ₤1000.

If they are not a participant of a given game, and the game is not closed, then, as an atomic action, a player may make a Wager on the game by first spending X Contanti, where X is at least 10, and then making a comment on the post for that game which follows the format “WAGER: [name] X [codeword]” where [name] is the name of one of the two participants in the game, and [codeword] is an English word which has not be used for a wager on the same game. The Wager is then considered to be Open.

If a Wager is Open, and one of the Participants takes a turn in game which the Wager was made in, the Wager ceases to be Open and the Player who made the wager gains X Contanti.

If a Wager is Open, any other Player who is not a Participant in the game which the Wager was made in (or the Player who made the Wager) may, as an atomic action, spend X Contanti and make a comment on the same post saying “ACCEPT: [codeword]” where [codeword] is the English word used in the Open Wager they are accepting. The Wager then ceases to be open, and instead becomes Pending.

When a game ends, for every pending Wager on that game, if the participant whom the Wager named earned a Peg from the game, the player who made the wager gains 2*X Contanti (where X is the integer value associated with the given Wager). If the participant whom the Wager did not name earned a Peg from the game, the player who accepted the wager gains 2*X Contanti

How about a little side action on all these games?



18-03-2021 23:16:30 UTC


Josh: he/they

18-03-2021 23:22:25 UTC

I’m not sure I’m keen on this being a separate currency, but that might be because my own draft of this mechanic had pegs as the wager.

Clucky: he/him

18-03-2021 23:28:33 UTC

I think making it a separate currency allows for more dynamic gameplay

one thing that this intentionally supports is the ability for a player to throw a game in order to cause one group of people to win their wagers. but I think the dynamics of throwing such a game are less interesting when what is gained/lost is all one currency (i.e. “my team will get 3 pegs if I lose vs lose 3 and gain one if I win” vs “my team will gain ₤300 if I lose, but I’ll get a peg if I win”)


18-03-2021 23:43:24 UTC

Maybe the currency could be used to buy more cards in a game?

Lulu: she/her

19-03-2021 03:11:03 UTC


Darknight: he/him

19-03-2021 05:13:40 UTC


Kevan: he/him

19-03-2021 11:28:00 UTC



19-03-2021 11:37:30 UTC


Kevan: he/him

19-03-2021 14:57:59 UTC

Alas there is no rule called “The Game”, any more. (Apologies for not catching this in a clause when writing Rule Updates.)


Raven1207: he/they

19-03-2021 15:21:44 UTC


Lulu: she/her

19-03-2021 15:24:39 UTC


Brendan: he/him

19-03-2021 18:23:51 UTC


Zack: he/him

19-03-2021 19:24:52 UTC
