Proposal: Random Monster Generator
Times out with more than half of votes FOR. -Bucky
Adminned at 06 Jun 2010 15:47:42 UTC
Add a new rule to the ruleset. Call it “Basic Monsters” and give it the following text:
The list of septuplets at the end of this rule is the Basic Monster Table. The items in the septuplets describe a monster’s internal ID (a number), name (text), hit points (formula that may include DICE rolls), damage (two numbers separated by a ‘d’), a speed (one of Sessile, Slow, Medium, Fast, Very Fast), Intelligence (Yes or No), and special effects (ruletext associated with the monster, or None).
(0, Grid Bug, DICE3, 1d1, Slow, No, damage is 0d0 if attacking something shock-resistant)
(1, Newt, DICE6, 1d2, Medium, No, None)
(2, Kobold, DICE3 + 1, 1d4, Medium, Yes, has a Ranged attack that does 1d2 damage)
(3, Goblin, 2DICE3, 1d3, Medium, Yes, None)
(4, Coyote, DICE6 + 2, 1d4, Medium, No, None)
(5, Gnome, 2DICE4, 1d6, Slow, Yes, None)
(6, Hill Orc, 2DICE6 1d8, Medium, Yes, None)
(7, Rothe, 2DICE4, 3d3, Fast, No, None)
The admin who enacts this proposal may convert the information in the Basic Monster Table to a table rather than a list of . Should said admin not do so, the RNG may do so, once, at any time before the end of the dynasty.
Mainly to get the format established - we can fill out the table later. Monsters should be in the table in roughly difficulty order, so that we can use DICEX+Y to select monsters of an appropriate difficulty range. Intelligence is basically whether the monster can pick up and carry stuff. Speed is how easy it is to run away from.