Friday, August 31, 2018

Proposal: Re-De-Org

Timed out 5 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 03 Sep 2018 08:52:55 UTC

Add a new paragraph, following the second paragraph, to the rule Apes, with this text:

Each Ape has an Attractiveness, which defaults to 0 and is tracked in the GNDT under a column named “ATR”. It can be referred to by the shorthand ATR. ATR can be negative.

Remove the second bullet point numbered 5 in the list of what happens during a New Generation Event. Change the text of the bullet point numbered three to the following:

The Food, LA, and ATR of each Ape is set to 0.

Add to the start of the aforementioned list of what happens during a New Generation Event the following bullet point:

* Add the ATR of each Ape to their food.

Append to the aforementioned list the following bullet point:

* For each Ape, Increase their LA by 1 for each Speed gene they have. Decrease it by 1 for each Deformed gene they have. After this, if their LA is less than 1, set it to 1.

Change the description of the Brawn gene to the following:

* Brawn: This Gene is involved in the Hunt action.

Change the description of the Speed and Deformed genes to the following, respectively:

*Speed: Positively affects the number of LA.
*Deformed: Negatively affects the number of LA.

Change the description of the Hunt action to the following:

Hunt: Roll DICEX, where X is 3+(the number of Brawn genes this Ape has) – Gain one less Food than the result.




01-09-2018 05:34:30 UTC

Now you’re adding an unnumbered bullet point to a manually-numbered bulleted list? We should be taking advantage of pound symbol bullets which are numbered automatically in mediawiki.
for looks good otherwise.

Kevan: he/him

01-09-2018 09:58:00 UTC

[card] We were, until a proposal explicitly said to add “5. The Lifetime Actions of each ape…” to the end of a list that had seven numbered items.

Reducing the default LA from 2 to 1 is maybe a bit on the slow side.



01-09-2018 11:43:11 UTC

[Kevan] Actually, the default LA is at 3 currently. The clause you’re referring to only would take effect if an Ape had something like NoNoDeDeDe; instead of getting zero LA, they’d get one.


01-09-2018 16:42:32 UTC

Kevan, I meant that we should proposing with them in, that way they can’t be accidentally misnumbered.

Kevan: he/him

01-09-2018 17:48:04 UTC

[Axemabaro] “The Food, LA, and ATR of each Ape is set to 0.” here, though, meaning that Apes with no Sp/De genes have an LA of zero, which is then increased to 1.


01-09-2018 18:18:35 UTC

[Kevan] Oh, sorry, that was meant to be “The Food, LA, and ATR of each Ape is set to Default.”  However, I don’t feel like resubmitting this proposal, so I’ll post an addendum.

Lulu: she/her

02-09-2018 04:29:58 UTC



02-09-2018 10:23:06 UTC
