Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Proposal: Readacted

Fewer than a quorum not voting against. Failed 3-5 by Kevan.

Adminned at 29 Jan 2020 09:03:35 UTC

Add to the list of Esoteric Places:

- The Library:
  - This Location can be Travelled to by an Individual with a Library Pass, but only from Kielce.
  - An Individual at Kielce can Sell Their Soul to gain a Library Pass. This causes their {{soul}} Damage to increase by 10, and for them to gain a Library Pass (which is noted in the Damage column as [Pass]). The Library Pass is not an Artefact.
  - An Individual at the Library can Look Up an Artefact as a daily action and gaining 1 {{reality}} Damage and privately informing the Director of the Artefact they are Looking Up. Upon doing so, the Director should privately inform them of all of the Secrets of “[REDACTED]” strings on that Artefact in a timely fashion, if such Secrets exist.

Secrets at a cost.


Darknight: he/him

28-01-2020 18:43:05 UTC



28-01-2020 19:15:45 UTC


Josh: Imperator he/they

28-01-2020 19:19:58 UTC

against That seems very usable by someone with a switchcomb, and not super usable by anybody else


28-01-2020 19:30:37 UTC

not if montereys coast passes

Josh: Imperator he/they

28-01-2020 20:03:34 UTC

Which at present it isn’t, because your voting block is tediously organised

Josh: Imperator he/they

28-01-2020 20:10:14 UTC

(No shade - a well-organised voting block is the only unbeatable play in BlogNomic)


28-01-2020 20:18:32 UTC

Morally, I don’t try to go for an alliance that reaches Quorum size, because the game just ends at that moment. Proposals are omnipotent and with majority control, you can do anything.

But pretty much any dynasty can be won that way because it relies on the Proposal mechanics which are Core rules. And that’s boring.


28-01-2020 20:28:15 UTC

My alliance winning strategy actually fell apart in Derrick 3 because with someone idling from inactivity, the alliance became Quorum in size and people weren’t motivated to leverage our alliance to just win. https://wiki.blognomic.com/index.php?title=The_Third_Dynasty_of_Derrick

Quorum-2 is the biggest I’ll generally go. I thought I was safe with Quorum-1 at Derrick 3’s, but I wasn’t.


28-01-2020 20:34:20 UTC

(That said, I might go with Quorum-1 if just one person unidling doesn’t make it Quorum, but that is pretty much the limit)


28-01-2020 20:34:44 UTC

(That said, I might go with Quorum-1 if just one person unidling doesn’t make it Quorum, but that is pretty much the limit)

Kevan: he/him

28-01-2020 20:36:34 UTC

I still don’t buy the idea that quorum-alliances only refrain from immediately proposing victory from some magnanimous moral high ground. Sure, if you recruit 10 disinterested humans from an off-site haunt they can vote you into power and wander back off, but a quorum of actual BlogNomic players will only propose to crown someone if they can agree how to pass the mantle afterwards. Which pretty much comes down to whether each of them feels that they have a less than (100/quorum)% chance of winning through other avenues of wit or negotiation at that point.


28-01-2020 20:40:34 UTC

But not all of them can be correct to think that they each have more than (100/quorum)% chance to win, right?

Josh: Imperator he/they

28-01-2020 20:43:06 UTC

I don’t think BlogNOmic players are purely rational though. The current situation disproves it, in fact - let’s lok at the Cuddlebeam / card / Tantusar alliance. Do each of those players have a less than (100/quorum)% chance of winning? Yes, all of them do. Quorum is impacted by low-activity players, so every marginally-active player has a better chance of winning than quorum would suggest. Two of those players have substantially higher probability than that, being presumptively the leader and second-placer as things currently stand.

They’re working together not just because it is in each of their individual interests. Perhaps some of them don’t actually want to win; perhaps they’re working a more meta-dynastic alliance; perhaps some of them just enjoy the alliance game more than the other game. Hard to know. But it’s not just about appraisal of self-interest for all players.

Josh: Imperator he/they

28-01-2020 20:45:08 UTC

Please excuse typos - phone, thumbs, cold. The less than should be a more than in sentence 3.


28-01-2020 21:14:01 UTC

Also, @Kevan: having the alliance be too big and be “unfun” because of the degree of noncompetitiveness and control over the game was explicitly the reason people dropped out of the Derrick 3 alliance.


28-01-2020 21:25:57 UTC

But also @Josh:

Cuddlebeam / card / Tantusar alliance? This will be fun to bring up on the post-dynasty comments lol

Josh: Imperator he/they

28-01-2020 21:27:34 UTC

I calls em like I sees em :)

If I’m wrong then fair enough but you do all seem to be voting with each other quite a bit.

Kevan: he/him

28-01-2020 21:29:11 UTC

[Cuddlebeam] Sure, and nobody can be sure of their odds of winning in a game with hidden information - let alone a game where unexpectedly scamming the rules is a valid tactic. But rationally I’m only going to join a five-person equal-split quorum cabal if I feel that my current gameplay has me languishing among the bottom 20% of all players (or if I’m being offered a better split).

[Josh] I guess this is more the thing where active players can often end up in a position to help one another win through dynastic gameplay. We’ve certainly seen dynasties before where two players find themselves 1 Macguffin short of the total needed to win, and begin frantic counter-negotiations with various kingmakers. I’m really just frowning at Cuddlebeam’s idea that quorum-victory-cabals are often hanging over the game, restrained only by their moral rectitude.

Brendan: he/him

28-01-2020 21:32:16 UTC


Josh: Imperator he/they

28-01-2020 21:40:01 UTC

@Kevan - oh, I agree with that. I think alliances, even informal ones, are comparatively rare, or at least they were five years ago.

Brendan: he/him

28-01-2020 21:42:51 UTC

I have the subjective and limited impression that what Cuddlebeam terms above-and-beyond moral virtue is something I tend to see as just playing the game in good faith.

Tantusar: he/they

28-01-2020 23:07:57 UTC

against Description defines no way to leave the Place. An Esoteric Place must have a defined way to leave in order to be left. (Except by methods that do not involve Travel.)

Lulu: she/her

29-01-2020 00:46:19 UTC


Kevan: he/him

29-01-2020 09:03:06 UTC
