Proposal: Really No Last Minute Scams
self-killed failed by card
Adminned at 09 Mar 2018 07:59:56 UTC
Enact a new rule, “DoV Legacy”:-
Any Resident who made a DoV during the Twenty-First Dynasty of Kevan which failed (excluding the Resident named Diabecko) is considered a Timewaster. While the current dynasty is less than two weeks old, Timewasters are never considered to have achieved victory.
This is what I was expecting Card’s proposal to be, from the title. There’s a greatly reduced incentive to spare the other players from speculative timewasting scams when a dynasty is clearly about to end, because the five-day delay on making a new DoV hardly matters at that point.
This rule can be repealed or vetoed upon ascension if it’s not needed. I don’t think this needs to be core, but maybe it’s worth considering a variation on it.
So basically any would-be final scam would have to be really good. I’m cool with that.