Monday, September 14, 2015

Proposal: Recidivism

Reached quorum 4 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 15 Sep 2015 09:05:10 UTC

If the idle Prisoner ShareDVI posted a comment on this proposal containing the phrase “you got me”, then unidle that Prisoner.

Then, add a paragraph after the first in “Sentences”:-

If, immediately after unidling, a Prisoner’s Sentence is lower than the mean value of all other Prisoner’s Sentences, it is increased to the mean value of all other Prisoner’s Sentences.

Removing the option of tactical idling as a way to maintain a low Sentence to claim a Riot victory.



14-09-2015 11:14:39 UTC


Tantusar: he/they

14-09-2015 11:21:25 UTC


Josh: Mastermind he/they

14-09-2015 11:28:11 UTC

for , but this doesn’t actually prevent it. When you consider that becoming Injured involves having your sentence halved, and the Riot victory assumes that most Prisoners are Injured, it is likely that the average of all Prisoner’s Sentences will be lower than the Sentence of any unijured Prisoner anyway.

Kevan: he/him

14-09-2015 11:30:10 UTC

Hmm, good point.

Josh: Mastermind he/they

14-09-2015 11:36:44 UTC

The key factor will also be SHIV as much as Sentence, as uninjured players will be looking to Injure each other as quickly as possible.


14-09-2015 11:53:21 UTC

Good thinking.

In fact, I am just idling because real life and stuff, so you didn’t get me.