Proposal: Reduced Sentence
Timed out / quorumed 4 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 13 May 2024 07:00:17 UTC
In the rule “Gaol”, after the text “The Gaol is a publicly-tracked list of Thieves” add the text “and a number named Time Served for each Thief in the Gaol, where Time Served defaults to 3 and is set to this default each time a Thief is newly added to the Gaol”.
In the subrule “Distribution”, after the bullet point that begins with “For each Thief in Gaol”, add this bullet point:
* For each Thief in Gaol, subtract 1 from their Time Served. If a Thief’s Time Served becomes 0, remove that Thief from the Gaol.
Thieves shouldn’t stay in Gaol forever automatically. I know a quorum of Free Thieves can free a Thief, but it’s too easy to just forget about it and leave them in Gaol forever, and right now that’s too powerful and punishing.
If people want to keep a Thief in Gaol, they should have to actively “renew” their sentence.