Tuesday, May 09, 2023

Proposal: Regional Culture

Timed out and enacted, 7-1. Josh

Adminned at 11 May 2023 21:19:41 UTC

In the rule “Regions”, add the following paragraph:

Each Region may have a name, which is publicly tracked flavour text. Within the Ruleset, a word only refers to the name of a Region if it is explicitly stated that it refers to a Region name. A Region may not have the same name as an active City Architect, a City, or another Region. Regions without a legal name default to “UnnamedRegion”, suffixed with the lowest positive integer necessary to make that name legal.

In the rule “Architected Cities”, replace this text:

A City may not have the same name as an active City Architect or another City.

with this text:

A City may not have the same name as an active City Architect, a Region, or another City.

If the subrule “Regional Meetings” exists, add a subrule to the rule “Municipal Authority” named “Found” and give it this text:

Found is a Township action which can be done at any time by any City Architect that has a suitably high Municipal Authority level to have unlocked Township actions. When a City Architect Founds, they create a Regional Meeting which declares that they are Founding, and declaring a name for the Region that is associated with that Regional Meeting. The name declared must follow the rules for the name of a Region. If that Regional Meeting is closed as Popular, any City Architect may change the name of the Region associated with that Regional Meeting to the name declared in that Regional Meeting’s creation.

It will probably be easier to refer to a Region by its name later on, especially if City Architects wind up owning multiple Cities in different Regions. It’s also just more interesting if the members of the Region can name their Region.



09-05-2023 21:28:30 UTC

Default region naming is indeterminate when several regions begin to exist at once, which will happen during the initial city distribution.

SingularByte: he/him

09-05-2023 21:35:07 UTC

I’m going to hold off on voting until the initial regions are created as per Bucky since it could prevent the regions from actually being created, but I intend to vote in favour.

JonathanDark: he/him

09-05-2023 21:47:40 UTC

Good point. I might have introduced this too soon. 48 hours from now will be just before the Kickstart deadline, and I did not intend to introduce a poison pill for that.

If we’re lucky, maybe we’ll get 2 more City Architects to create their City, and then we can Kickstart earlier.

JonathanDark: he/him

09-05-2023 22:12:13 UTC

Bah, it’s “more than 80% of City Architects control a City”, so we’d need 3 more City Architects on board. Seems unlikely at this point.

If it looks sketchy near the 12 May deadline, I’ll withdraw this Proposal to prevent any issues and re-Propose it after.


10-05-2023 06:38:08 UTC

Tentative against .

redtara: they/them

10-05-2023 12:37:45 UTC


Brendan: he/him

10-05-2023 12:57:57 UTC



10-05-2023 13:41:05 UTC


SingularByte: he/him

11-05-2023 10:53:27 UTC

Come to think of it, it’s debatable whether all the regions will appear at once, or whether they’re created one at a time. Given that you can just quickly create them one after the other without going against the rules, it should nicely avoid the problem.

JonathanDark: he/him

11-05-2023 12:58:45 UTC

Ok, if that seems reasonable then I won’t pull the withdraw trigger.

Josh: he/they

11-05-2023 17:00:44 UTC


Snisbo: she/they

11-05-2023 18:23:12 UTC
