Sunday, May 14, 2023

Regional Development Forum: Requesting Planning Permission

To the people of my region, I would like to request planning permission to expand the Scamsville city which is part of Unnamed Region 4 along with BananaLand. With our Capability of 6, we should be able to achieve our objectives. Namely:
I make a Motion to Build a Residential Zone, such that our people can have space to live, as crowding is getting out of control.
I make a Motion to Build an Industrial Zone, to better process our Pyrite reserves.
I make a Motion to Build a Residential Zone, as I expect the new industry should encourage migration above and beyond our previous levels.


SingularByte: he/him

14-05-2023 17:00:10 UTC

I do agree, me, that this would be ideal. I therefore pledge:
1 population to the building of the first residential zone
1 population to the building of the industrial zone
1 population to the building of the second residential zone

SingularByte: he/him

14-05-2023 17:02:03 UTC

Thank you, me. Now that all participants have made their decisions, I formally declare this forum closed. All motions are successful, as all meet the required effort value.

JonathanDark: he/him

14-05-2023 19:21:30 UTC

I don’t think this was a legal Regional Development Forum event. The name of the Region or the names of its cities must be in the post name itself.

A Regional Development Forum is an Event whose name must include the phrase “Regional Development Forum” and some signifier to identify the Region to which it refers, such as its name, if it has one, or the names of the Cities it includes.

SingularByte: he/him

14-05-2023 19:28:43 UTC

Oh right, my bad. I’ll quickly rush through another one.