Proposal: relabling and idle protections
self killed failed by card
Adminned at 06 Nov 2019 19:42:20 UTC
Replace “If an Adventurer is the Vanguard of an occurring Battle, they may take a Battle Action from the following list by making a comment to that effect to that Battle’s Battle Post, a comment which must also name a single Adventurer (other than themselves) who is not Recovering as their Successor: ” with
Vanguard Actions are atomic actions that consist of the following general form:
* Choose an named action from the following list and its target, if applicable, and apply its effect.
* Choose an Adventurer that is not Recovering.
* Make a comment on the Battle, stating the action you took and its target, if applicable. Also state the Adventurer you chose in the second step; that Adventurer becomes the Vanguard.
Remove “When a Battle Action is taken by the Vanguard, the Successor they named becomes the Vanguard. ” from the ruleset.
Replace “If the Monster is not Recovering and a Battle is occurring, they may take a Battle Action from the following list by making a comment to that effect to the Battle’s Battle Post: ” with
“If the Monster is not Recovering and a Battle is occurring, they may take a Monsterous Action from the following list by making a comment to that effect to the Battle’s Battle Post: “
Append to Battles “Battle Actions are actions that can be taken by Adventurer’s which are described in this rule.”
Append to Battles
If the Vanguard has not taken a Vanguard Action in the previous 24 hours, any non-Recovering Adventurer may take the following action. Choose a random non-Vanguard non-Monster non-Recovering non-Weary Adventurer to become the Vanguard. The previous Vanguard becomes Weary for the rest of the Battle, this is tracked by putting an asterisk after their name on their character sheet and is removed when the Battle ends.
second proposal since my return, i feel like this probably does too much at once?
Nice patch for the idle vanguard issue, even if 24 hrs is a bit quick a boot.
As AAs go, this one is quite complex, and I am wary of using it.
First bullet refers to a list several bullets down, while the bullets themselves could fit the description of an “action list”.
Second bullet might be hard to be sure you have done right, although probably not normally, if you don’t know for sure who the last quorum of action takers were.
Third bullet is fine, if Battle can be used in place of “Battle Post”. That would be nice, but I’d like to see it made explicit somewhere.
High chance of getting AA stuck, medium- high impact on gameplay if it happens. (It stops gameplay, skips turns, and can be self-cyclical.) Recommendation: Don’t use an AA.