Proposal: Removing the Silencer
Reaches Quorum (11-0)
Enacted by Hix
Adminned at 16 Nov 2007 19:04:22 UTC
[ Killing shots appear to be silent under the current ruleset, for some presumably unintentional reason. This fixes it, and also allows gun-wielding villagers to fire into the air, should they wish to. ]
In Rule 2.4.3 (Guns and Bullets), remove “and the Mayor shall post a blog entry announcing that a gunshot has been heard” from all bullet points in which it appears, and add:-
In all cases, the Mayor shall post a blog entry announcing that a gunshot has been heard.
Also add a new subrule,, titled “Blanks”:-
A living Villager with a gun may fire it into the air by announcing this intention to the mayor. Within 48 hours of receiving such an intention, the Mayor shall post a blog entry announcing that a gunshot has been heard.
And to Rule 2.4 (Items), add:-
A living Villager may drop any item they are carrying by removing it from their inventory.
And repeal the then-redundant “Pouring it Out”.
Amnistar: he/him
I think the original intent had been for an announcment to be made that X person was shot, but I could be incorrect :P