Proposal: Render Unto Caesar
Fewer than a quorum not voting against. Failed 1-6 by Kevan.
Adminned at 21 May 2021 15:43:35 UTC
Add the following as a new rule to the dynastic ruleset, called Collector Envy:
The Collector has a value called Envy Level, which is publicly tracked and which has an initial value of $3,500.
Any Broker for whom the combined Prices of all items in their Collection is higher than the Broker’s Envy Level is said to be Ostentatious. An Ostentatious Broker may not achieve or declare Victory; this rule takes precedence over all other rules.
In the rule Totalling Votes, after “Give the 3rd Broker in that list 1 Kudos, and Display the corresponding piece of art with a Price of $1000”, add a new bullet point reading as follows:
Increase the Collector’s Envy Level by $1000 plus 200DICEn, where n is the number of pieces of art submitted in the previous round.
Clucky: he/him
This unfortunately clashes a bit poorly with my proposal but can probably be fixed in post to do items in their collection + cash.