Friday, October 28, 2011

Proposal: Rent-a-Proposal

It has been open for voting for at least 48 hours and half or fewer of its Votes are FOR. 10.10.1. ~~Chronos Phaenon

Adminned at 30 Oct 2011 12:22:49 UTC

REPRESENTING: Amnistar, Pavitra, Spitemaster, arthexis, lazerchik

Create a new rule, “Proposal Protection Services”:

In today’s economy, Players can’t afford to bring bread to the table without working two or even three proposals at once. In order to more evenly distribute filibustering opportunities, players who are the authors of less than 2 pending Proposals can become Guardians of any Pending Dynastic Proposal P that meets all of these criteria:

a) P is Representing them explicitly.
b) They are not already the author of P.
c) P has no other Guardian already.

To become Guardian of a Proposal, the Executing Player must make a comment of “[PROTECTION SERVICE]” on that Proposal, ON BEHALF OF its author, within the first 24 hours since the creation of the Proposal. Then, the Executing player becomes Guardian of the proposal and is considered the sole author of that Proposal.

If at least half the EVC contain the phrase “Food Stamps”, then at the end of the previous rule add:

If this is the first time the Executing Player has become a Guardian in the last 72 hours, and the Executing Player has 3 or less SP, that player becomes elegible to receive a Stimulus Package.


Since now it restricts takeover to Representation Proposals, authors can choose which Proposals they don’t mind loosing (hopefully they will only choose players they trust in the representation section; people that could already SK the proposal anyways, and who have no reason to scam them). Furthermore, they can include themselves in the Representation list explicitly, so they will get SP refunded. The main reason for this kind of proposal is to allow players to “rent” proposal slots. If the proposal passes, they recover their investment, otherwise they lose 1 SP.


SingularByte: he/himIdle

28-10-2011 20:21:43 UTC

against This seems like it would work oddly with the core rules (for example, whether or not being a guardian is the same thing as having a pending proposal for rule 1.4).

ChronosPhaenon: Idle

28-10-2011 20:22:45 UTC

against per SingularByte

Spitemaster: Idle

28-10-2011 20:25:23 UTC

for Food Stamps

scshunt: Idle

28-10-2011 20:55:13 UTC

against since this means I can deplete others’ SP by protecting their proposals, and then go and kill their proposal on top of that, or steal their representation.

Spitemaster: Idle

28-10-2011 21:00:01 UTC

@coppro: It doesn’t.  Read a).  The proposal already has to be specifically representing them.

redtara: they/themIdle

28-10-2011 21:31:04 UTC


Pavitra: Idle

28-10-2011 21:52:36 UTC

for Food Stamps

Guardianship is supposed to take up a pending-proposal slot. This is an important limiting factor to coppro’s concern, among other things.

scshunt: Idle

28-10-2011 22:05:31 UTC

Still against

Amnistar: he/himIdle

28-10-2011 22:35:02 UTC

for Food Stamps

southpointingchariot: Idle

28-10-2011 22:54:15 UTC


Moriarty: Idle

28-10-2011 23:42:59 UTC

for Food Stamps

Ornithopter: Idle

29-10-2011 01:03:21 UTC

against Because we already have two rules that start with “In today’s economy…”, plus what SB said.

omd: Idle

29-10-2011 01:25:48 UTC


Darknight: he/him

29-10-2011 05:53:44 UTC


BellEt: Idle

29-10-2011 06:04:20 UTC

for and Food Stamps. I think that the “In today’s economy…” thing is funny :P

omd: Idle

29-10-2011 10:22:46 UTC

for Food Stamps

arthexis: he/himIdle

29-10-2011 15:52:29 UTC

for EAV
Ornithopter: I am trying to make all rules starts like that, if you haven’t noticed XD

arthexis: he/himIdle

29-10-2011 21:07:46 UTC

Tally 8-7

southpointingchariot: Idle

29-10-2011 22:16:40 UTC

ok, I would like to change my vote to include the F—d St-mps without messing up any tallys. Whats the polite way to do this?

ChronosPhaenon: Idle

29-10-2011 22:18:24 UTC

southpointingchariot, just repeat your vote and include the EVC comment.

southpointingchariot: Idle

29-10-2011 23:28:30 UTC

RoV for Food Stamps

lazerchik: Idle

30-10-2011 01:24:50 UTC

for  Food Stamps

flurie: Idle

30-10-2011 03:48:25 UTC

for Food Stamps

Aquafraternally Yours: Idle

30-10-2011 09:54:02 UTC


Prince Anduril: Idle

30-10-2011 12:25:41 UTC


arthexis: he/himIdle

30-10-2011 14:50:38 UTC

Tall 10-8-1

ChronosPhaenon: Idle

30-10-2011 16:04:26 UTC

for COV, Food Stamps

Ely: Idle

30-10-2011 18:18:11 UTC


Bucky: Idle

30-10-2011 19:05:00 UTC


ais523: Custodian

30-10-2011 19:10:24 UTC


ChronosPhaenon: Idle

30-10-2011 19:14:45 UTC

against COV

arthexis: he/himIdle

30-10-2011 19:15:05 UTC

Tally 11-10-1

arthexis: he/himIdle

30-10-2011 19:15:36 UTC

Correction, 10-11-1 in the last second

ChronosPhaenon: Idle

30-10-2011 19:19:35 UTC

correction 10-10-1


“Chronos Phaenon”:“against”,
“Ienpw III”:“against”,
“Prince Anduril”:“against”,

“Aquafraternally Yours”:“imperial”,