Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Proposal: Repairing the Repair Wrench [Appendix]

Withdrawn. Josh

Adminned at 27 Jul 2022 12:50:27 UTC

Append to the bullet point in the Appendix rule “Numbers and Variables” that begins

Unless otherwise specified, to “spend,” “pay” or “lose” an amount X…

the following:

For the purposes of this rule, the words “increase” and “increment” are considered to be synonymous with the word “spend,” and the words “decrease” and “decrement” are considered to be synonymous with the word “gain.”

If there exists a Dynastic Rule entitled “Repair Wrench” and any players have made use of the atomic action in that rule, revert those atomic actions.

Per discussion in the comments of “Aren’t workshops typically used to repair things?”


Trapdoorspyder: he/him

26-07-2022 23:34:46 UTC

Likely going to vote for

SingularByte: he/him

27-07-2022 04:48:45 UTC

Isn’t this backwards? When you spend, you should decrease your money, not increase or increment it. against

Kevan: he/him

27-07-2022 08:19:57 UTC

These aren’t quite synonyms, even the other way around. The concept of spending implies personal ownership of the spent currency, which is explicit in our ruleset as “an Operator can spend or pay from only their own values”. Making increase/decrease into synonyms for that would stop us from altering variables that belonged to other players, or that didn’t belong to players. (There’s already at least one of those in the dynastic ruleset, in the Income rule.)

Josh: he/they

27-07-2022 08:32:47 UTC

against on the above issues. I’m not sure that Workshops requires this anyway; the existing provisions in N&V seem during enough to me.

Brendan: he/him

27-07-2022 12:07:14 UTC

against withdrawn.