Proposal: Repropose! With extra.
6-1, timed out. Enacted by Elias IX, who shall from now on be synonymous with “the ninth” whenever used in an admin box.
Adminned at 21 Apr 2006 13:21:06 UTC
Enact the following in order.
Add a rule titled “Temporal Effects”:
For the purposes of game play, a Game Day is a M hour period, which is followed by a Game Night of N.
This rule becomes operative after a sidebar widget indicating whether the game is in Game Day or Game Night, after which this sentence is removed.
Set M = N = 6.
Set M and N to the numbers specified by a plurality of counted votes, if those numbers exist.
If at least four comments containing counted votes contain the phrase “It’s gradual”, do not enact the next sentence.
Do not enact the rest of the proposal.
Rewrite the rule Temporal Effects to read as follows:
For the purposes of game play, a Circadian Cycle is the following:
A Game Day of M hours, which is followed by a Midlight Period of R hour(s), which is followed by a Game Night of N hours, which is followed by another Midlight Period of R hour(s).
Midlight is the mysterious time between day and night, and between night and day.
This rule becomes operative after a sidebar widget indicating whether the game is in Game Day, Game Night, or Midlight Period, after which this sentence is removed.
Set M = N = 5. Set R = 1.
Elias IX: Idle