Proposal: Reset is a splitting concept
Timed out and passed, 6-0, with one unresolved DEF. Josh
Adminned at 19 Apr 2012 15:16:18 UTC
Append to rule 2.4 “Directions” the text:
When issuing a Direction specifying that none of their resources are being allocated to Institutions, a Player may include in that Direction an Order of Reset.
Append to the end of rule 2.5 “Cycle Resolution”, as a new paragraph, the text:
At the beginning of each Cycle, after the new Market Price Index has been calculated, every Player whose previous Cycle’s Direction included an Order of Reset has their Marines, Power and Councilmen set to 0, and their Credits set to the new MPI.
Append to the 96189 Pygmalion’s description the text:
If no player has Influenced the 96819 Pygmalion during the previous Cycle and the Galatea has no Marines, no Power, no Councilmen, and less than MPI Credits, then the Galatea is considered to have issued a Direction including an Order of Reset during the current Cycle.
Please excuse my horrible flavour.
BTW, we should probably do something about “Then, if a single Player has more Power than every other player [...]” before someone declares victory without Influencing the Public.
Josh: Imperator he/they