Proposal: Residential Evil
Timed out and failed, 3-7. Josh
Adminned at 25 May 2011 01:49:54 UTC
In Rule “The Dead” Change:
A Farmer may Create a Zombie by spending its Species’ Cost in Juice, selecting a legal Name for it and placing it at an empty Square of their choice on any Plot.
A Farmer may Create a Zombie by spending its Species’ Cost in Juice, selecting a legal Name for it and placing it at a Square with at least Shade 5 of their choice on any Plot.
Add at the bottom of that rule:
By Moving, a zombie has its location changed to a square that is adjacent to its location. When a Zombie shall move to a non-existing square, or to a square that can not contain Zombies, the Zombie does not change its location on that move.
By Teleporting, a Zombie has its location changed. When a Zombie shall move to a non-existing square, or to a square that can not contain Zombies, that Zombie ceases to exist.
By Exploding, a Zombie Attacks everything located on the square it is located in, and on every square adjacent to it, and then ceases to exist.
If more than half of the EVC’s to this Proposal include the word “Paradox” add to the bottom of that rule:
Whenever as the result of a Farmer unidling the Name of a Zombie would become illegal, that Zombie Explodes.
Change the Behaviour of Zoombie to:
If it’s located on a otherwise empty square (i.e. a square that contains only this Zoombie), moves a square downward, with a limit of three squares per Shamble. As soon as it shares a square with something else, the Zoombie attacks it, and then stops.
Change the Life of the Zoombie to 2.
Change the Power of the Zoombie to:
Move a square to the right.
Featuring exploding zombies.
without the exploding