Proposal: Respect is a fickle thing
reached a quorum, final vote 3-9—Yoda
Adminned at 22 Oct 2008 15:42:17 UTC
If the Proposal titled “Way to gain and lose honor” passed, this Proposal does nothing.
Add a sub-rule “Respect and Shame” under rule “Honor”:
Whenever a Clansmen makes a proposal that their fellow clan members regard as useful and/or important to the clan, they may reward that Clansmen by adding the text “Respect” on any comment on which they include a FOR vote on that proposal, and this comment is known further as a Vote of Respect. If the proposal passes, the proposer has 24 hours to increase their honor by 1 for each Vote of Respect made on their proposal.
Whenever a Clansmen makes a proposal that their fellow clan members regard as dangerous or useless to the clan, they may punish that Clansmen by adding the text “Shame” on any comment on which they include an AGAINST vote on that proposal, and this comment is known further as a Vote of Shame. If the proposal fails, each Clansmen who gave a Vote of Shame on that proposal has 24 hours to decrease the honor of the proposer by 1.
A Clansmen cannot place Votes of Respect or Votes of Shame on their own proposals.
If more than half of all comments containing counted votes also contain the text “Patriarchal Respect”, also add the following text:
FOR votes made by the Patriarch always count as Votes of Respect. AGAINST votes made by the Patriarch always count as Votes of Shame.
Now what?