Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Proposal: Resting the Machine, take 2 (as a proposal!)

6-1. Reached quorum.

Adminned at 04 May 2007 14:26:51 UTC

in rule 2.3.2 “Variables” change the following:

*Name: The name by which the Variable is refered (and any abbreviations by which it may be refered).
*Creator: The name of the Worker(s) considered responsible for adding the Variable to the Machine.
*Possible States: A description of the possible states the variable may be in.  If appropriate, a description of the order in which the variable advances may be included.
*State: The current State of the Variable (which must always be one of the possible states described in the previous bullet-point).


*Name: The name by which the Variable is refered (and any abbreviations by which it may be refered).
*Creator: The name of the Worker(s) considered responsible for adding the Variable to the Machine.
*Possible States: A description of the possible states the variable may be in.  If appropriate, a description of the order in which the variable advances may be included.
*State: The current State of the Variable (which must always be one of the possible states described in the previous bullet-point).
*Default State: A Constant which is the same as the State of the Variable when it is first added to the Machine.

This gives us the option of reseting the entire machine, or pieces of the machine by using their Default States.



02-05-2007 22:59:02 UTC

Theres nothing that prevents a Part’s effect from changing a variable’s Default State. Not that that’s really bad or anything.. just thought I should point it out.


02-05-2007 23:01:10 UTC

Oh and.  imperial

Amnistar: he/him

02-05-2007 23:41:18 UTC

well, either there’ll be a good reason for the default state being changed by a part, or it won’t do that :p.  I just wanted a simple way for someone to refer, in the future, to a parts “default state”


02-05-2007 23:59:19 UTC



03-05-2007 00:00:26 UTC



03-05-2007 15:05:53 UTC


Clucky: he/him

03-05-2007 15:32:33 UTC

YESMAN needs fixing.


03-05-2007 16:38:36 UTC

imperial Note that no one can claim the YESMAN award for a Proposal unless the CEO actually votes (verb).  Amnistar’s vote (noun) may _count_ as FOR, but e has not actually voted (verb).


03-05-2007 17:42:11 UTC



03-05-2007 18:35:34 UTC

Yeah, why not. for


03-05-2007 22:20:03 UTC

CoV against Not compatible with currently existing Variables on the Created Pieces page.

Amnistar: he/him

03-05-2007 23:05:03 UTC

Not true.  Parts have yet to be added to the Machine, ergo, there is nothing to be put in Default State.  When said parts are added, Default State should be set to whatever the Current State of the Variable is.,

Amnistar: he/him

04-05-2007 00:46:53 UTC

err…variables rather, still applies


04-05-2007 16:04:29 UTC

Do all those IMPs count as FORs because Amnistar’s vote counts as For?

Amnistar: he/him

04-05-2007 21:16:13 UTC

I believe so.


04-05-2007 21:19:27 UTC

OK, then. I can enact this right now.