Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Proposal: Restless Architecture

Timed out and failed, 2 votes to 3 with 2 unresolved DEFs.

Adminned at 16 Dec 2022 23:10:43 UTC

Add a subrule to the rule Rooms, called “The Pit”, with this text:

If there is a room named the “Wandering Pit”, it is the Wandering Pit and it can never have a horizontal Connection.

If no room called the “Wandering Pit” exists, the Narrator shall create it at their earliest convenience, with a single Connection that is an Up Connection to a random room that does not already have a Down Connection.

In the rule “Mansion Phase”, after the step containing “If an Explorer is the only Explorer in a room, and the Black Cat is also in that room”, add a new step with the following text:

Move the Down Connection leading to the Wandering Pit to a randomly chosen room, besides the Wandering Pit itself, that does not already have a Down Connection. The Wandering Pit’s Up Connection now leads to the chosen room.


JonathanDark: he/him

14-12-2022 22:12:29 UTC

Can you change “with an Up Connection to a random room that does not already have a vertical connection and no other Connections” to “ that does not already have a Down Connection”. The way it’s worded now is confusing to me, and I think there’s no reason to complicate the criteria.

If there’s a purpose behind it that requires the text the way it is, can you explain your thinking?


14-12-2022 22:20:52 UTC

“No other Connections” is intended to keep the Pit itself from being created with more than one Connection.

JonathanDark: he/him

14-12-2022 22:33:52 UTC

Ok. I think the new wording you just edited in is much clearer on that point. Thanks for re-wording it.

Kevan: he/him

15-12-2022 15:14:02 UTC

imperial Seems like a lot of Narratorial map maintenance every turn for an effect that we mostly won’t care about.

Benbot: he/him

15-12-2022 15:54:49 UTC


SingularByte: he/him

15-12-2022 16:13:29 UTC

Thinking about it, it might feel a bit better if it was more explicitly something that could belong to the Explorer Possessed by Katastrophe and didn’t move every turn, since otherwise at this point it’s basically more like a randomly moving taxi service than anything else.

To go down that route though might mean that it would need a cost to controlling it though to stop it being overpowered. I might think about it myself later on once more mechanics are in place.

quirck: he/him

15-12-2022 20:47:19 UTC


Trapdoorspyder: he/him

16-12-2022 01:47:12 UTC



16-12-2022 02:38:28 UTC
