Proposal: Restless Eggs
Times out and passes 4-0. Adminned by Rodney.
Adminned at 23 Mar 2014 11:19:39 UTC
In the rule “Egg”, replace “If the Alien is not Roaming and has fewer than three Eggs, any Infected may have the Alien gain an Egg.” with:-
If the Alien is Roaming, any Infected may have the Alien gain an Egg, unless the Alien would be Burdened after having done so.
To the last paragraph of the rule “The Chambers”, add:-
When a Hive Proposal which the Alien voted AGAINST enacts, the Alien becomes Roaming if it wasn’t already.
Maybe more interesting if the Alien grows Eggs while Roaming, but Infected can only offload them in Chambers. Adding a Mechanic to return the Alien to Roaming outside the Chambers.