Friday, October 13, 2023

Story Post: Results Post 13 October

On 13 October the following sporting events took place:

A game of Giolitti was played between DiFieri and Carpino. Di Fieri had a Pocket of 50 while Carpino had a pocket of 41, but the Grand Canal was Devil, so Carpino was declared the winner.

A Blogbots bout took place between Bad Door and Hard Hat. Bad Door was trashed in round 31 and Hard Hat was declared the winner. Clucky won Readies for a bet on this Event.

A Boxing match took place between Roberto “Silver Phantom” Calderon and Wild Man Danny Bannister. Wild Man Danny Banniester was knocked out in Round 13 and Roberto “Silver Phantom” Calderon was the winner.

A Clingboom match was held. Acid Yoda died in round 3 while Laser Mideg and Cheesecutter Purplebeard were killed in round 4; Buzzsaw Darth Cliche was thus the winner.

A game of Nomichtook place between Gothmogg Hall and Penanggalan Hall. Penanggalan Hall won, 69 to 61.



14-10-2023 03:33:58 UTC

I have nothing in particular to say about these events, but in the absence of any Votable Matters I am putting a comment here anyway to extend the time until I am eligible to be involuntarily idled.