Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Proposal: Retheme

Quorums 11-2 and is enacted.

Adminned at 21 Jun 2012 19:13:16 UTC

Reword the rule ‘Historical Dynasties’ to read as follows:

There are 100 machines. The ‘Machines’ wiki page tracks the information about each Machine. Each Machine has a name of the form “The X Machine”, and a number from 1 to 100. Each Machine is additionally Broken, Jammed, or Repaired, initially Broken.

Copy the wiki page ‘Historical Dynasties’ to ‘Machines’, then update the wiki page ‘Machines’ by replacing each instance of ‘Dynasty’ or ‘Metadynasty’ in the headings with ‘Machine’, and by deleting each line containing ‘Also known as’. Copy the wiki page ‘Eternities Map’ to ‘Factory Floor’.

Perform the following on all Rules, Pending Proposals, Pending Calls for Judgement, and the wiki pages ‘Machines’ and ‘Factory Floor’. When an item of gamestate is renamed in this fashion, it preserves its value:

Replace every instance of “Doctor” with “Foreman”. Replace every instance of “Time Buddha” with “Worker”.

Replace every instance of “Time Machine” in with “Robot”. Replace every instance of “TARDIS” with “Overhead Crane”. Replace every instance of “DeLorean” with “Forklift”. Replace every instance of “Wellsian” with “Ambler”.

Replace every instance of “Dark Matter” with “Quota”.

Replace every instance of “Eternities Map” with “Factory Floor”. Replace every instance of “Historical Dynasty” or “Dynasty” (and “Historical Dynasties” or “Dynasties”) with “Machine” (and “Machines”). Replace every instance of “Paradoxed” with “Jammed”.

Replace every instance of “Causal Link” with “Power Link”.

Replace every instance of “navigate to” with “activate”


Attention all employees. There is an all-hands NOW in room 230. Drop everything that you are doing; attendance is mandatory.

When was the last time any of you were out on the floor? Any of you?

Well, that’s good. Because if you had been, you’d be dead. You’ve let the floor overheat; it’s now completely unlivable. Nothing is working, either. We’re going to need to fix it with robots.

Don’t just stand there, get moving!



20-06-2012 16:36:56 UTC



20-06-2012 16:45:05 UTC

for Much better IMHO

quirck: he/him

20-06-2012 16:50:30 UTC


Josh: Mastermind he/they

20-06-2012 17:04:06 UTC

Why did you veto Kevan’s theme? I thought it was basically fine.

redtara: they/them

20-06-2012 17:14:13 UTC



20-06-2012 17:18:22 UTC

I like this theme better because the terms “Time Buddha” and “Doctor” were confusing initially for me.


20-06-2012 17:21:42 UTC



20-06-2012 17:23:36 UTC


redtara: they/them

20-06-2012 17:25:25 UTC

CoV against

Clucky: he/him

20-06-2012 18:08:55 UTC



20-06-2012 19:03:11 UTC


Kevan: he/him

20-06-2012 19:21:46 UTC



20-06-2012 21:10:25 UTC

for Robots!!!


21-06-2012 01:48:34 UTC



21-06-2012 04:23:42 UTC

Josh: Because I didn’t like it (can’t offer much more detail there), and because he gave me a de facto veto anyway by ensuring that a vote against would defeat it. The true veto was just to clear the queue. For what it’s worth, I agree with his decision; theme is purely the Foreman’s discretion, by convention, and BN should never force one against his will.


21-06-2012 05:05:45 UTC

imperial  I suppose.

Josh: Mastermind he/they

21-06-2012 06:37:21 UTC

Fair enough, although I disagree strongly that “theme is purely the Foreman’s discretion, and BN should never force one against his will”. Frankly as far as I’m concerned, the players can do whatever they likes to the Emperor’s remit, so long as they have a proposal that reaches quorum. Sometimes the extent to which convention is used as a soft ruleset bothers me.

Anyhow,  for

Kevan: he/him

21-06-2012 08:43:01 UTC

Obviously there’d be nothing wrong with an angry mob staring down an Emperor who insisted on running an unpopular theme, but I think the game is definitely healthier if the Emperor is running a dynasty with a theme they find interesting.

Josh: Mastermind he/they

21-06-2012 09:06:01 UTC

Oh, sure, the ruleset is built in such a way that open tension between the Emperor and the players is quite unhealthy, but if you get to the stage where a player is even proposing to change the theme over the Emperor’s head then you have bigger problems than the possibility that it may pass.


21-06-2012 14:45:41 UTC

Josh: Well, it’s an enforceable convention, as the Emperor could just veto anything he didn’t like anyway (although a CFJ could overturn it).

Josh: Mastermind he/they

21-06-2012 14:56:43 UTC

scshunt - arguably you have just described Anthony. I don’t think anybody wants to be an emperor in that mould.


21-06-2012 16:56:18 UTC

Anthony didn’t veto anything he didn’t like. Anthony vetoed anything, period.

Josh: Mastermind he/they

21-06-2012 16:57:16 UTC

TO be fair he didn’t like anything so the Venn diagram is unclear.


21-06-2012 20:30:44 UTC

If he vetoed every proposal, how did his dynasty end? Did he have any victory conditions?


21-06-2012 20:37:27 UTC

No, he had no victory conditions. His dynasty ended with a CfJ, and then he ragequit.


21-06-2012 20:38:09 UTC

Haha. CfJs are not veto-able right?

Josh: Mastermind he/they

21-06-2012 21:03:18 UTC
