Thursday, June 15, 2023

Proposal: Retracting the Immutable

Withdrawn. -Bucky

Adminned at 17 Jun 2023 16:19:06 UTC

Add a subrule to the rule “Portents” called “Retractions”, with the following text:

The Ascendant may generate any Portent at any time, and Portents generated this way that are not otherwise authorized nor required are considered Glitched. Whenever the Ascendant is aware that they have generated a Glitched Portent with no corresponding Retraction, they shall generate another Portent as a Retraction stating that the Gitched Portent in question is unreliable.

The Ascendant should not deliberately create Glitched Portents.


JonathanDark: he/him

15-06-2023 17:41:56 UTC

Is “authorized” a reasonable-enough synonym for “allowed”?

lemon: she/her

15-06-2023 23:31:27 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

16-06-2023 00:27:07 UTC


Josh: he/they

16-06-2023 08:17:32 UTC

I’m leaning against on this but I also feel like it’s got a specific utility that I don’t necessarily want to trample on. I’ll be receptive to suggestions, public or private, that I should change my vote.

lemon: she/her

16-06-2023 08:31:07 UTC

@Josh why are you leaning against? as far as i understand it, this is purely a “make the emperor’s mistakes fixable” proposal, just like what we’ve been trying to do with the mindjacking rule :0

Josh: he/they

16-06-2023 08:42:03 UTC

Mostly because it feels unnecessary - if I generate an unauthorised portent then it simply isn’t a portent, and I can make that clear by saying so - so adding ruletext around it seems to be setting up some ground for an alternative reading that I’m anxious about.

lemon: she/her

16-06-2023 08:55:46 UTC

hmmm. after double-checking the ruleset, you do seem to be right!


17-06-2023 16:18:31 UTC

against Withdrawn