Proposal: Return
Timed out and cannot be enacted, 4-4. Josh
Adminned at 19 Apr 2012 15:21:37 UTC
Remove the text
If each claim made by the player who influenced the Public last Cycle in their Control message was accurate, first, if a single Player has more Councilmen than every other player, that player gains an amount of Power equal to one tenth of the total amount of Power owned by all other players combined.
Then, if a single Player has more Power than every other player, that player has achieved victory. This player is encouraged to explain the cause of the dark Ansible, and the fate of Blogia, in any Declarations of Victory they make in the near future.
from the ruleset.
Replace “Otherwise, a new Cycle begins.” with “Then a new Cycle Begins”
Remove “The Public” from the list of institutions.
Add a new institution called “The Ansible”
The Ansible’s Completion is tracked in this rule: it is currently 0% complete. When specifying a Direction to the Ansible, a Player may include with that Direction an Order of CONSTRUCT or DISMANTLE. If a Player Influences the Ansible with an Order of CONSTRUCT, its Completion is increased by (M+P+C)%, where N is the number of Marines this Player Directed to the Ansible this Cycle, P is half the number of Power this Player Directed at the Ansible this Cycle (rounded down), and C is five times the number of Councilmen this Player Directed at the Ansible this Cycle. If a Player Influences the Ansible with an Order of DISMANTLE, its Completion is instead decreased by (M+P+C)% where N is the number of Marines this Player Directed to the Ansible this Cycle. If ever the Ansible’s Completion is higher than 100%, it is immediately set to 100% instead; if ever it is lower than 0%, it is immediately set to 0% instead.
Add a new institution called “The Signal Tower”
When a Player Influences The Signal Tower, if the Ansible is not currently 100% complete or Unpowered, that Player loses five credits, two power, one marine and one councilman (provided they have them). Otherwise, if a single Player has more Councilmen than every other player, that player gains an amount of Power equal to one tenth of the total amount of Power owned by all other players combined. Then, if a single Player has more Power than every other player, that player has achieved victory. The Bonus for The Signal Tower is always zero.
Current victory condition sucks. Don’t get why the Ansible failed before, but making it a little easier to construct by letting you throw power and councilmen at it if you want. Making broadcasting the signal a institution to make the endgame more interesting. Signal Tower will blow up if you try and influence it before the Ansible is constructed, and Ansible goes before Signal Tower so you need win both to make sure someone doesn’t destroy the Ansible on you.
Kevan: he/him
I think the dynasty started off with a lot of protosals, so people were voting down anything that wasn’t perfect and waiting for a rewrite.