Proposal: return of the craction
Self Killed. Failed by Derrick.
Adminned at 05 Oct 2018 14:30:11 UTC
Make a new rule titled “Equipment” with the text
Equipment is represented by the characters in a Fire Wall. Equipment is written the ruleset in the following manner “[representing character]—[name]; [ruletext of that equipment]”. An equipment is considered powered when it is adjacent (in 8 non-wrapping directions) to a power supply or to a power line that is powered.
The text “⏻” is equivalent to “When the Master Control Program is Executed and this equipment is powered, the following happens:
* x—CPU;
* o—empty space;
* p—power supply; this equipment is considered powered.
* l—power line;
these may or may not work
X11: ctrl+shift+u 23fb enter
macos: ⌥+23fb
windows: use digits on the number pad. hold alt press the + on number pad 23fb release alt
Kevan: he/him
Whatever 23FB is, it’s rendering as a box with “23FB” on it, in my browser here.
Defining a symbol as being equivalent to a bulleted list of “the following happens” reads like a copypaste error.