Thursday, November 15, 2007

Proposal: Return of the King II: Electric Boogaloo

Enacted by Amnistar (Move FOR than AGAINST)

Adminned at 17 Nov 2007 17:00:30 UTC

Once more, with feeling…
From time to time, the king of the land in which Zahndorf is located visits town to visit favors upon those he thinks are most worthy.
Add a new Dynastic rule, as follows:

On up to one occasion during a Daytime on or after November 20 (as the Mayor may select), the King will visit Zahndorf.  The Mayor will commemorate this visit by posting a story post that identifies each Villager (living or dead) to whom the King awards a medal.

Medals are awarded in accordance with the following criteria:
If at the time of the King’s visit a particular Villager has zero Acuity points, then there is a 25% chance that the Villager is awarded a Medal.
If at the time of the King’s visit a particular Villager has more than zero Acuity points, then there is an 75% chance that the Villager is awarded a Medal.

Each Villager who has been awarded a Medal will have it added to his respective Inventory.

If the Dynasty ends before the King visits Zahndorf, then this rule is null and of no force or effect.

Planning your
Werewolf attack?
First take care of
Your hairy back.



15-11-2007 23:56:16 UTC

Oh, and before somebody screams “Dead Men Tell No Tales!”, my little Burma-Shave doggerel is just me trying to be cute—it is not intended to pass along any prohibited information that I may, or may not, have.


15-11-2007 23:57:43 UTC



16-11-2007 00:40:07 UTC



16-11-2007 00:40:34 UTC

Can you shave a dead man’s chest?


16-11-2007 00:52:44 UTC


Darknight: Elder Judge he/him

16-11-2007 02:24:29 UTC

for lmao that was bad product placement there man lol

Oracular rufio:

16-11-2007 06:42:21 UTC


Kevan: he/him

16-11-2007 08:59:14 UTC



17-11-2007 04:49:38 UTC

imperial ->  for


17-11-2007 09:26:30 UTC
