Proposal: Reverse Thaum-gineering 2
Timed out 1 vote to 4. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 12 Jul 2018 08:00:11 UTC
Add a sub rule to cards named “Recovering” (or, if that rule already exists, change its text to the following):
A wizard may Recover a card played by at least one wizards other than themselves within the last 48 hours and but not played by themselves within the last 48 hours by discarding a card from their hand and paying Thaum equal to the score of the card they are recovering. They then place the recovered card in their hand. A card may only be Recovered if it is in the deck.
Fixed Thaum-gineering.
Kevan: he/him
Seems discouraging that the first player to do a clever combo has to invest time and effort planning and executing it (using other ways to get the cards they need), and then anybody with enough Thaum can copy it for the same effect.
I don’t follow Derrick’s original “reduce the effect of very powerful cards” argument - this will amplify the effect of very powerful cards by making them easier for anyone to repeat.