Saturday, July 08, 2023

Proposal: Revised Priorities

Reached quorum 6 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 09 Jul 2023 08:24:22 UTC

If was enacted, this proposal has no effect.

In the rule “Initialisation Phase Two” , replace “prioritising firstly the deletion of Agendas that include the Initialisation Key(s) which appear in the most existing Agendas, and secondly the deletion of Agendas which the Great Machine judges would be unfairly easy or difficult to Fulfill.” with “prioritising firstly the deletion of Agendas which the Great Machine judges would be unfairly easy or difficult to Fulfill, and secondly the deletion of Agendas that include the Initialisation Key(s) which appear in the most existing Agendas.”

Append the following to the paragraph in the same rule beginning with “Each Machinist can and should Send a Schematic to the Great Machine”:

These Agendas’ conditions must not refer to or otherwise uniquely identify specific Machinists.

this swaps the priorities around to make deleting unfair agendas #1, and adds a clause preventing agendas from saying “Be Kevan and…” or similar.
i think that a natural counterbalance against unfair agendas will be twofold: first, anyone could get your agenda, so fairness is better strategy unless your only-you-can-win-with-it agenda is airtight; secondly, the gamestate to fulfill them won’t exist yet, so i doubt there will be obscure exploits only the agenda creator can recognise. that said, maybe we could use some more fairness ensurance.



08-07-2023 16:24:43 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

08-07-2023 16:52:33 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

08-07-2023 20:05:53 UTC


lendunistus: he/him

08-07-2023 22:00:11 UTC


Kevan: he/him

09-07-2023 07:25:21 UTC


Rules allowing free text effects with “but! you can’t do this one unfair thing” exceptions make me feel like a very old Nomic player.