Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Proposal: Rewards again

Times out, fails 4-6. -coppro

Adminned at 11 Aug 2010 18:52:18 UTC

Add a new Core Rule entitled “Ribbons”:

Ribbons are awards for actions done by Citizens. The wiki page entitled “Ribbons” lists all Ribbons of all Citizens. Ribbons can only be gained as described in this Rule and a Citizen may only have each Ribbon once.

If a Citizen has fulfilled all requirements for a Ribbon listed at the end of this Rule they may - within one week after fulfilling the requirements - create a Official Post stating so and adding themselves the appropriative Ribbon. If another Citizens does not agree the requirements have been fulfilled, they should create a Call For Judgement.

Each year on X.X. at 0:00 all Ribbons are considered to be removed. Any Citizen may update the wiki page Ribbons to match that current game state, if no other Citizen has already done so.

The following Ribbons are available:

  • Winning Ribbon: May be gained by a Citizen, if said Citizen has won a dynasty.
  • Emperor Ribbon: May be gained by a Citizen, if said Citizen has been the High Programmer for a whole dynasty.
  • Folk Hero Ribbon: May be gained by a Citizen, if one of said Citizen‘s Proposals has been enacted and all other Citizens have voted FOR this Proposal.
  • Fixing Ribbon: May be gained by a Citizen, if one of said Citizen‘s Proposals has been enacted without any AGAINST vote.
  • Disinterest Ribbon: May be gained by a Citizen, if one of said Citizen‘s Proposals failed because it has one FOR and zero AGAINST or DEFERENTIAL votes.
  • Agitator Ribbon: May be gained by a Citizen, if one of said Citizen‘s Proposal has five more FOR than AGAINST votes, but has been vetoed.
  • Judge Ribbon: May be gained by a Citizen, if one of said Citizen‘s Call For Judgements has been enacted without any AGAINST vote
  • Admin Ribbon: May be gained by a Citizen, if they have been an Admin for the last three months.
  • Last Survivor Ribbon: May be gained by a Citizen, if he has been the only one who created a Proposal in the previous seven days.

Replace X.X. with the date this Proposal has been enacted.

Reproposing: s/Story Post/Official Post/


Darknight: he/him

10-08-2010 01:17:27 UTC



10-08-2010 01:58:07 UTC

tentative for
I’m not sure how I feel about making this a core rule. I do like the general concept though, although, if this passes I will probably propose to remove the “repeal all ribbons on [date]” part.

redtara: they/them

10-08-2010 02:18:05 UTC

for and I’d vote for lilomar’s amendment.


10-08-2010 05:28:50 UTC

for with reservations.


10-08-2010 06:27:37 UTC

against Does the X-Box not provide us with all of the “achievements” we need?

Why should this be a rule.

Kevan: he/him

10-08-2010 08:26:20 UTC

against I really can’t see this going anywhere useful. Either it becomes connected to the gameplay mechanics, even dynastically (“a player with three or more ribbons may take one extra action per day”) in which case it gives an advantage to slightly older players, and encourages people to play tactically (voting against an urgent fix to stop someone from getting a Fixing Ribbon for it; pulling a scam to get the extra ribbons you need). Or it never has any direct bearing on gameplay, in which case we may as well just run it informally by putting it all on its own wiki page.

An Achievement-Unlocked dynasty would be fun to see, though.

ais523: Custodian

10-08-2010 12:23:31 UTC

Ideally, you’d have two Achievement-Unlocked dynasties; one which defined the achievements in some sort of hyperdynastic rule that lasted multiple dynasties, and another dynasty later on that used the ones that had been defined. Hopefully, players wouldn’t try to manipulate what happened in a future dynasty, but rather concentrate on winning the present one.


10-08-2010 18:06:55 UTC

against Ugh.


11-08-2010 01:33:13 UTC

against for unfairness to new players,  against for pointlessness, and against due to the fact that we already have “chips”, plus an extra against for the fact that it is supposed to be a core rule.

redtara: they/them

11-08-2010 02:08:05 UTC

Wakukee: It doesn’t do anything


11-08-2010 22:51:53 UTC

CoV against


12-08-2010 00:41:31 UTC
