Proposal: Ringing Endorsement
Withdrawn. Josh
Adminned at 24 Aug 2023 13:38:58 UTC
In the rule “Factions”, add a subrule named “Endorsements” and give it the following text:
When a District performs an Endorse action, they make a Story Post called an Endorsement whose title starts with the text “Endorsement: ” followed by text containing exactly one Position of the District’s choosing and any narrative text of the District’s chosing. The contents of the Post must contain the text “Fallow of (x)”, where (x) is the District’s Fallow value when they are performing the Endorse as part of the Gathering atomic action. The contents of the post may also contain any narrative text of the District’s choosing.
In response to an Endorsement, at their earliest convenience the City should perform the Support action, which is an atomic action with the following steps:
* For each Faction housed by the District who posted the Endorsement, if that Faction’s Culture contains a Position matching the Position mentioned in the title of the Endorsement, multiply the Fallow value mentioned in the contents of the Endorsement by the Reward of that Position, rounding all resulting values to the nearest whole number, and add the results to that District’s values.
* If at least one Faction’s Culture contains a Position matching the Position mentioned in the title of the Endorsement, the Response should be positive, otherwise the Response should be negative.
* Reply to the post with a comment indicating the Response to the Endorsement, using narrative text at the City’s choosing and discretion without revealing any Faction names or other Positions held within the Factions’ Cultures.
In the rule “Commons”, remove the the entry in the table with the Name “The Silicon Lake”.
In the same rule, add the following entry to the table:
| Icon of Authority || Perform the Endorse action
Another puzzle-like mechanism for Factions’ Positions.
This allows a District to experimentally determine and gain the Rewards of a Position of their housed Faction(s), but it takes a few steps to get there, namely establishing a new Commons connection and then waiting for and deciding on a Govern outcome, and even then, the District has a 50-50 chance of getting it right the first time if they don’t have any other information to go on.
The “response” to an Endorsement is the weakest part of this, I think. I wanted the City to describe how the Factions respond to the Endorsement based on their Positions, but I didn’t want to make it overly complicated by explicitly stating specific wording for each Position, so I opted for a positive or negative “tone” and creative license instead.
Kevan, if you feel that the Response would be too vague for you to carry it out, let me know and I can try to make it more concrete.
lemon: she/herIdle
this seems too elaborate, and unnecessary next to the other two special faction-related actions in the proposal pipeline! i’d rather just see Mooting changed to give benefits based on the Fallow value :0