Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Proposal: Rise of the Frankendynasty

Reaches a quorum of negative votes. Final vote tally 2-7 with one def—Clucky

Adminned at 28 May 2020 01:30:56 UTC

Add the following as a new rule to the ruleset, entitled Frankenruleset:

In this dynasty, all new rules must be recontextualised implants of formerly extant rules from previous dynasties.

If a proposal would add a new rule to the dynastic ruleset, then it must include all of the following information and only the following information:

  • A link to the dynastic ruleset in which the proposed existing rule appears;
  • The name of the formerly extant rule to be implanted;
  • The terms in the formerly extant rule to be edited to the keywords in the current dynasty. The following current dynasty keywords may be substituted for terms in the formerly extant rule:
    • Amnesiac
    • Past Memory
  • Any references to other rules in the origin dynastic ruleset that must be removed.

When an admin enacts such a proposal they should copy the text of the previous extant rule, make the changes specified by the proposal and then add it to the dynastic rules.

The rulesets of previous dynasties are considered to be gamestate for this dynasty. If ever they are not in the form that they were on 26 May 2020 then any Amnesiac may revert them to that state.

This’ll never work.


Tantusar: he/they

27-05-2020 08:53:23 UTC

against This’ll never work.

Kevan: he/him

27-05-2020 09:01:48 UTC

It’ll be a bit of a challenge to find usable ones because rules often refer to mechanics defined in other rules of that dynasty, and are often a big chunk of loosely connected paragraphs. But it wouldn’t take much amendment to make that process easier.


The Duke of Waltham: he/him

27-05-2020 09:26:46 UTC

[Kevan] Perhaps a rule from the earlier stages of a dynasty would be less interconnected in this sense (though also less developed overall); one could pick any version, since the proposal doesn’t refer specifically to “final rulesets”.

Publius Scribonius Scholasticus: he/they

27-05-2020 09:47:14 UTC

against I think this would be fun but could be unnecessarily limiting, so I’ll plant myself here for now.


27-05-2020 10:32:47 UTC

imperial I like the idea, but it has a major tracking issue: most past dynastic rules are going to require us to use the GNDT to track things, and those which refer to wiki pages will require us to edit the wiki page that was used to track the relevant part of the past gamestate.

As a side effect, I think this implies that if someone played in one of the relevant past dynasties, their gamestate values will be initialised to the value that they had at the end of the dynasty in question, which gives a huge advantage to older players.

The last time I saw a mechanic like this used (I can’t remember whether it at was BlogNomic or some other nomic), the issue was solved by automatically replacing all tracked gamestate variables in the imported rules with a single frankenvariable that worked for all of them. That’s probably going to make it even harder to produce good gameplay, but maybe we could reduce everything to two or three frankenvariables and have something that works.


27-05-2020 10:33:47 UTC

(Also, this needs to distinguish between the final ruleset of a dynasty, and the record of the final ruleset of a dynasty. You probably care about the latter, as it’s much easier to discover than the former.)

derrick: he/him

27-05-2020 12:16:14 UTC

ais523: deferring to the emperor does nothing here.

This idea deserves a full dynasty with a proper emperor to guide it.


27-05-2020 12:33:48 UTC

Even during a metadynasty, it’s a way to express no opinion (or a conflicted opinion), isn’t it?


27-05-2020 12:52:54 UTC


Darknight: he/him

27-05-2020 15:11:00 UTC


Clucky: he/him

27-05-2020 15:55:37 UTC


I actually like the idea. But as has been pointed out, there have been a number of dynasties in a row that have been a little weird and this would probably continue the streak. So I think just doing something a little lighter would be best for now and we can revisit this idea later.


27-05-2020 18:16:09 UTC

against Cool idea. With modifications, perhaps the ability to replace some things in the rule so they fit with the current ruleset, I could see a great dynasty with this mechanic.