Friday, April 14, 2023

Proposal: Risk Management

Withdrawn. Failed by Brendan.

Adminned at 16 Apr 2023 16:06:33 UTC

Add a new rule named “Expertise” and give it the following text:

Each Engineer has a publicly-tracked integer named Expertise that defaults to 0.

There is a publicly-tracked number named Final Building that defaults to 0.

Whenever the Final Building is greater than 0, if there is only 1 Engineer who has the highest Expertise when the Building Number equals the Final Building, that Engineer achieves victory.

If there are 2 or more Engineers who have the highest Expertise when the Building Number equals the Final Building, any Engineer or the City Architect may increase the Final Building by 3.

In the rule “The Building”, replace these bullets in the Build atomic action:

* Spend any amount of Focus (which may be 0 Focus) to roll DICEN, where F is the amount of Focus spent, G is equal to the number of Gaps in the Building, and N = G x 25 - F. If N would be less than 0 then this step cannot be completed.
* Decrease Building Stability by the result of the die roll in the preceding step.

with these bullets:

* Choose any amount of Focus between 0 and their current Focus. Roll DICEN, declaring in the roll description the Focus being spent, where G is equal to the number of Gaps in the Building, and N = G x 25.
* Track the Risk of this Build action using the value of N from the preceding step, F is the focus spent in the preceding step, and Risk = N - Building Stability - F.
* D is the result of the dice roll from the preceding steps, F is the Focus spent in the preceding steps, and S = D - F. If S is greater than 0, decrease Building Stability by S.

In the rule “Safety Checks”, replace this bullet in the Inspection atomic action:

* If the Build atomic action was completed in the previous step of this Inspection, and the Building is not Collapsed at the time of this completion, count the number of Gaps in the Building at that time and add this number to their Safety Checks

with these bullets:

* If the Build atomic action was completed in the previous step of this Inspection, and the Building is not Collapsed at the time of this completion, perform the Passing Inspection atomic action:
* If at least 1 Engineer has an Expertise of at least 500, and the Final Building is 0, set the Final Building to the current Building Number plus 3

Add a subrule titled “Passing Inspection” to the rule “Safety Checks” and give it the following text:

Passing Inspection is an atomic action which can only be performed when explictly instructed to do so in the Inspection atomic action. The Engineer who performs it executes the following steps:
* Count the number of Gaps in the Building at that time and add this number to their Safety Checks
* Add the Risk of the Build completed during this Inspection to their Expertise
* Optionally, subtract any positive amount of their Safety Checks that would reduce it to no less than 0 and add this amount to their Expertise

With this Proposal, you still earn Safety Checks by the Gaps that were present when you performed the Inspection, but you can now spend any amount of Safety Checks towards Expertise. However, you can also earn Expertise through Risk. The potential gain from Risk is higher, but that’s because you’re taking a risk. Safety Checks is somewhat safer but is a lower fixed gain each time. Everyone who has spent the time to gain their Safety Checks so far will still find them useful towards winning.

The use of Building Number gives everyone the rest of the current Building Number plus two more full Building Numbers to catch up. This will be 2-3 Inspections, or more if there are ties, depending on the timing of the first person to hit the Expertise threshold.

If you like the overall mechanic, but don’t like specific numbers, let’s tweak the numbers, rather than rejecting the whole thing.


JonathanDark: he/him

14-04-2023 15:03:31 UTC

Proposal now contains the rewritten formula for subtracting focus from the dice roll, rather than subtracting the focus first and then rolling dice.

Lulu: she/her

14-04-2023 18:13:39 UTC


Brendan: he/him

14-04-2023 19:22:29 UTC

Oh wow, spending SCs to get Expertise at 1:1 is quite different from the previous iteration of this proposal. Self-interest prevents me from voting in favor of something that’s going to put me immediately in last place among active players and start me off at half of Habanero’s score. Sorry I didn’t have time to review this before the edit deadline, but against

JonathanDark: he/him

14-04-2023 19:57:13 UTC

Take a look at my latest proposal No Active Engineer Left Behind and see if that addresses your concerns.

Kevan: he/him

15-04-2023 09:27:46 UTC

imperial The secondary currency is perhaps unnecessarily overcomplicated.

Kevan: he/him

15-04-2023 10:28:10 UTC

against CoV, actually, given the Left Behind proposal. In the same spirit as Brendan, I’m not thrilled by making Checks the victory condition but also leveling it out in such a way that I’d be only two points ahead of any active player.

JonathanDark: he/him

16-04-2023 04:26:28 UTC

against Withdrawn in favor of Safety Dance