Proposal: Robbing Graves
1-9. Cannot be enacted without CoV.
Adminned at 15 Jul 2007 07:20:45 UTC
Proposal to append the following to the end of 2.8, “Sale of Rights”:
If at any time a Corporation which owns Naming Rights to one or more non-Public Knowledge Daemon(s) becomes an Idle Corporation, it forfeits its claim to Naming Rights for those Daemons. If as a result of this rule no Corporations hold Naming Rights to a Daemon, that Daemon’s Naming Rights become Public Knowledge.
If a Corporation loses its Naming Rights to a Daemon as a result of this rule, it may purchase those Naming Rights back at a cost equal to $(S*X)M, where S is the square of the summoning cost of the Daemon, and X is the number of corporations who employ the Daemon. A Corporation cannot buy Naming Rights back if it allows more than 7 days to pass after being de-idled.
If a Corporation loses its Naming Rights to a Daemon and the Naming Rights subsequently become Public Knowledge as a result of this rule, the cost to purchase those Naming Rights is $(S*Y)M, where S is the square of the summoning cost of the Daemon, and Y is the number of Major Corporations at the time of attempting buyback. This cost is to be paid to the corporations who employ the Daemon, each corporation receiving an equal part of the total cost, who must release the Daemon from their employ at no cost to them. A Corporation attempting to buyback Naming Rights to a Daemon who’s Naming Rights are Public Knowledge will not be allowed to do so if more than 14 days are allowed to pass after that Corporation is de-idled.
Upon enactment this proposal effects all naming rights/daemons/corporations retroactively.
For an example of the first case, if a Daemon’s summoning cost is 5, and 2 corporations employ the Daemon, the buyback cost of Naming Rights for the Daemon would be (5 squared = 25) times 2, or $50M. As an example of the second case, if a Daemon’s summoning cost is 3, and their are 12 Major Corporations, out of which 4 employ the Daemon, the buyback cost would be (3 squared = 9) times 12 = $108M, divided 4 ways = $27M to each corporation.