Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Proposal: Rocket stabilisation

Timed out, 3-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 03 Jan 2025 23:23:38 UTC

Change the first paragraph of the rule “Items” to:

Each Snail has a publicly tracked list of Items, defaulting to an empty list (the order in which Items are listed within the list is irreievant, and if a Snail has multiple copies of the same Item, this is tracked via listing the Item and its quantity, e.g. “Magnet (2)”). Each Item has a name, and optionally an effect that is applied when the Item is Discarded. Items may also have passive effects, which apply to all Snails who have that Item in their Items (but if a Snail has multiple copies of the same Item, only one of those copies applies its passive effect).

and change the decription of Rocket Fuel in that rule to:

Rocket Fuel: Does not count as an item for any Crystals. Passive effect: if you ever have more than 20 Rocket Fuel, you lose Rocket Fuel until you only have 20 left (this does not count as Discarding an item).

Also, change each of the three copies of

When discarded, discards all Rocket Fuels you own. Moves you one cm for every Rocket Fuel discarded this way.


When Discarded, remove all Rocket Fuels you own from your list of Items, and you move 1 cm for every Rocket Fuel removed this way.

In the rule “Predators”, change

If that Gastropod is not a Slug, it has at least 1 Play


If that Gastropod is a Snail, and the Race has been ongoing for less than 60 hours, that Snail has at least 1 Play

Hopefully a comprehensive fix to rocket balance issues. Two fixes each individually prevent going from the start to the end of the course in a single rocket blast. There are also two clarifications to unclearly worded rules (the passive effects of an item don’t fire multiple times if you have multiple copies, and discarding rocket fuel is not a Discard Play that increases your plays); I think the rules already have those meanings, but it’s probably best to be clear (and it makes the ruleset easier to understand). I also added in GetPunnedOn’s suggestion of collapsing identical Items within the list, as I was editing the relevant rule text anyway.


JonathanDark: he/him

01-01-2025 22:10:39 UTC

“If that Gastropod is a Snail, and the Race has been ongoing for at least 60 hours, that Snail has at least 1 Play”

Isn’t that backwards? The way you’ve worded it, from the beginning of the Race to 60 hours, Snails with 0 Plays count, then after 60 hours, only Snails with at least 1 Play count.

My understanding is that we want to give Snails time to join in the Race before being considered Prey, but only so much time, after which they’re included regardless.

Just change “at least 60 hours” to “less than 60 hours”.

ais523: Custodian

01-01-2025 22:27:35 UTC

You’re right, it was backwards – I’ve fixed it.

Josh: he/they

02-01-2025 09:27:08 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

02-01-2025 14:14:06 UTC
