Monday, November 02, 2009

Proposal: Rotten Boroughs

Can’t enact with seven votes against. Failed by Kevan. -2 to Spike.

Adminned at 03 Nov 2009 05:31:01 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule called “Old Sarum”, as follows:

A proposal is subject to Team Voting if any of the following is true with respect to that proposal:
- the text of the proposal unambiguously states that the proposal shall be subject to Team Voting; or
- the proposal would not directly change the ruleset.
(Note that Declarations of Victory and Calls for Judgment are not proposals and, as such, are never subject to Team Voting).
A “Team Vote” of a given team with respect to a proposal that is subject to Team Voting is: (A)  “FOR” if a majority of the members of that team who cast votes on that proposal included “FOR” votes in their EVC for that proposal; and (B) “AGAINST” if a majority of the members of that team who cast votes on that proposal included “AGAINST” votes in their EVC for that proposal; and (C) an abstention, if the number of “FOR” votes and “AGAINST” votes cast by team members in their respective EVCs are evenly divided, or if no members of that team cast votes on that proposal.

If a proposal is subject to Team Voting, then notwithstanding the normal voting rules that relate the enactment or failing of proposals, the proposal shall be enacted if there are more Team Votes “FOR” the proposal than Team Votes “AGAINST” the proposal; and failed otherwise.

The enactment or failure of proposals (as opposed to the operation of the proposal itself in accordance with the proposal’s terms) that are subject to Team Voting shall not, in and of itself, result in points being awarded or taken away, anything to the contrary in the Ruleset notwithstanding.



02-11-2009 04:23:15 UTC


arthexis: he/him

02-11-2009 07:12:25 UTC


Darknight: he/him

02-11-2009 07:52:08 UTC


redtara: they/them

02-11-2009 11:46:30 UTC



02-11-2009 13:18:40 UTC

against This is a scam. It allows arbitrary proposals (without even a restriction on victory proposals, or modifying core rules!) to be passed with the support of 4 teams; there are 5 teams with one remaining player each, so it would allow a tiny minority to control the whole of BlogNomic.

Kevan: he/him

02-11-2009 13:38:52 UTC

against Although I think we’d see a spate of kidnappings and evictions if this was getting near to passing.

Josh: he/they

02-11-2009 16:21:16 UTC



02-11-2009 16:53:30 UTC



02-11-2009 17:02:44 UTC
